Chemo #2

A Continuation of our Journey

Jamie A MacDonald
3 min readDec 28, 2013

So here we are 3 weeks since Becky’s last chemo and we’re doing it again. A lot has happened in the 3 weeks since my last post. I’ll give the highlights.

First and foremost we have gotten so much encouragement and support that I know finding words to express how powerful that has been will be impossible. Let me just say that we are an incredibly blessed family. The friends and family we have as a support structure have been so wonderful to us. We love you all…..And we pray for YOUR health and well being as you have for ours.

Second I am glad to say that our initial feeling of doom and gloom has passed for the most part. We are no longer crying and fearing a life of cancer but are now in KICK ASS MODE! We are here not to bow to the evil of cancer but to face it, and kick its ass!
Becky did have some side effects from the chemo as we were expecting, but they weren’t as bad as we had feared. She never got nausea (AMEN!) but she did suffer a fair bit of insomnia, she got some sore in her nose that we took care of with a saline nasal gel, and she has of course started losing her hair. That last one seems to weigh heavily on her mind and I suppose as a woman it will. I am always trying to tell her that it of course will grow back, or to maybe look at it as she will have a “clean slate” to work from. I know, I have a weird way of looking at things, but I think she loves me for that. ☺ But here is something silly. She has another side effect she is dealing with that is called “Tear Duct Stenosis” and that causes her eye to produce tears like…all the time darn near. Notice I said EYE..As in singular. Yup, one eye tears up all the time and I think THIS side effect is bugging her the most. So all in all I’d say so far so good.

This last chemo was as I stated #2, she has only 4 four more to go and she’s done with this step! She will be done in March!!!

So third and final thing to say here is THANK YOU. There are a LOT of you out there who have been a HUGE support structure for our family. You have supported us spiritually, financially (through some incredible fundraisers!) and most of all, emotionally. As I try to be a rock for my wife, you all have been a MOUNTAIN of support for all of us. We love you for that.

So this is it for today and we’ll see you in 3 weeks when we reach our HALF WAY POINT!!!

Take care.


