Generation Y in office; part 2

Macha Mishukova
3 min readApr 12, 2015

Love your work and you won’t work a day in your life.

What is the best in work? After work beer or cocktail of course… You prefer red wine? Rosé? One rosé please☺ It’s really cool to discuss the last project with your manager in the bar near your office. One more nice thing is lunch break. Eating together with your colleges everyday is a real tool to create friendly atmosphere at work.

Take work and personal stuff, put them into a blender and push the button. After two minutes, the perfect cocktail “the perfect Y’s life” will be ready. The previous generations were talking about the balance between work and personal life. Generation Y doesn’t talk about balance, they talk about blend or tetris. The Ys arrange their work and personal life. Both of them are important.

What can motivate you to work? Yeap, it’s refilling your bank account, but not only. Ys want to show the results of their work. They want to be recognized. Feedback makes you love your work more than ever. It’s fuel for Ys.

Are you pro or contro open space? If you prefer to work in your personal office, you are not Y LOL Because Ys don’t like isolation. They prefer working in team. Together is power. It’s more comfortable to speak with your partners, asking and answering the questions, suggesting ideas and discussing them.

Save trees use Ipad☺ It’s about digital communication. The Ys don’t want to lose their time near the printer waiting for the last page of the endless report. Or, worst, spending so much time at the copier. Why they should do copies? If you can send the scanned copy via email, this would be faster, greener and much easier, than spending hours near the printer.

As the Ys are curious, they like to discover. So if you introduce the system of different trainings you will make the Ys happy and loyal. What the Ys are looking for at their jobs? Right learn more.

Not all of the Ys are dreaming to become directors. A lot of them want to move horizontally, to try new things. They are seeking for new opportunities. Maybe the job of your dreams is right here, near you.

Nobody likes meetings. Because it’s wasting of time, energy, motivation, concentration and so long. So if the manager wants to keep your attention, he should reduce the length of the meeting and make it more interesting. Maybe he should add an informal element: recently I have read an article of an IT engineer. In the company where he works there is a tradition in the weekly meeting when somebody is speaking he is keeping in the hands a toy pig.

Ys are sure that hard projects with over time should be mixed with calm time, when you can think about done work, realize the aims obtained. The Ys don’t want to burn out at work. The hard working non-stop will destroy the blend between work and personal life.

What is the best in work? Have fun ☺

