Macha Mishukova
3 min readMar 24, 2015

Generation Y in the office. part 1

Work is an activity not a place (c)

If the generation Y is so special, they are special at workplace: their working habits, needs, schedule, relation to work and workplace.

Do you prefer to start earlier to finish earlier or are you great in bed — you can sleep for days — begin around 11 a.m. and finish in the time of evening news? (there are at 9 p.m. aren’t they?) Do you want to switch? I bet you don’t. These is one of the wishes of Ys: work at the convenient hours for them not for their boss. If they are more productive at 5 p.m. why not letting them work in these particular hours?

Coffee pause. You know these 15 minutes when you pretend to drink coffee and discuss the latest rumors about Jane from an account department that you even don’t know. Say no rumors about Jane, say yes rumors about Apple at Linked In, photos with the meal of your friend who is traveling in Australia on Facebook or a new twitt from your Mum. The Ys prefer to verify their social networks with a bottle of juice or coca light.

Wish I was at home… from time to time a lot of Ys prefer to work at their home. Why not? It’s a brilliant idea on how to make them loyal. Because work is the activity and not a place. So, you can work from your desk in the noisy office, when it’s really hard to concentrate, or you can work at home with a cup of your favorite tea. However there is an exclusion. I am speaking about freelancers. Often these guys prefer to work out of their houses to change the atmosphere. So you can watch them at starbucks with a huge cappuccino typing something on their laptops.

There are place for twitter, facebook, google+ hangouts, linked In (and other social networks) at work. Say yes to digital communication. Why you have to type in the telephone number and disturb your colleges if instead of this you can make two clicks and write a message. It will arrange everybody. Don’t panic, every Y check his accounts often so you will have an answer very soon.

Bow-tie or neck-tie? Yes I’m joking, I’m sure that your answer will be “Bow ties are cool” . And if you have no idea what I am talking about, I think you choose T-shirt — jeans if you are Y, and classic shirt (no bright colors) — black trousers if you are a little bit older. The Ys prefer the comfort in clothes. Except there are strong dress codes: for example, the auditors must wear the costume, because they are very serious people. Or maybe this is a tradition.

How do you concentrate? The Ys prefer the music. It could be classic (Vivaldi gives the best fit) or electro (sorry no example) or pop. It depends only on you, which music can give just the background and nothing else.

The Ys like make their workplace cozy and warm: a funny mug, a packet of crisps, photos from last Friday’s night, stickers everywhere ☺

Love your work and you won’t work a day in your life. The Ys don’t see the meaning of doing a work that they don’t like.

More interesting and informative stuff soon :D