Computer Vision with PHP — Object Detection, Detect Age and Gender, and Generate Long-form Content from Images

Machine Learning and A.I.
3 min readApr 25, 2023

The asticaVision API has been released to the public earlier this month. In addition to the really simple javascript api that has been made available, it can also be called using REST API. This means you can use many of your favorite programming languages to perform image analysis and other types of computer visions tasks such as moderating images, or automatically tagging and categorizing images that are uploaded by users.

What is asticaVision?
Provided by astica, it is a state of the art general purpose computer vision model that can be integrated via javascript SDK or rest API. You can experiment with an online public demo found here .

The PHP Sample Code has been uploaded to github and is ready to be uploaded to your server to begin testing without any additional modules or server configuration required. Just upload the script and run it in your web browser to see the output.

Grab the code here:
asticaVision PHP Sample Code on Github



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