3 min readMar 4, 2024

Solving the Longest Subarray with Sum K Problem .

Introduction: In the algorithmic problem-solving, there lies a fascinating challenge known as the “Longest Subarray Sum Problem.” This problem entails finding the longest contiguous subarray within an array where the sum of its elements equals a given target value. In this blog, we’ll explore an efficient approach to tackle this problem using Python, along with its real-world applications and complexity analysis.

Understanding the Problem: Before delving into the solution, let’s grasp the essence of the problem. Given an array of integers and a target sum, our goal is to find the longest subarray with a sum equal to the target value. This subarray may consist of positive, negative, or zero integers, arranged contiguously within the original array.

Approach: To solve this problem efficiently, we’ll employ a clever algorithmic strategy leveraging cumulative sums and a hash map (dictionary in Python). Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of our approach:

  1. Initialize variables:

. max_length to track the length of the longest subarray found.

  • cumulative_sum to store the cumulative sum of elements encountered while traversing the array.
  • sum_frequency dictionary to store the cumulative sum as keys and their corresponding indices as values. We initialize it with a sum of 0 at index -1.
  • start_index and end_index to record the indices of the longest subarray.

2. Iterate through the input array:

  • Update cumulative_sum by adding the current element.
  • Check if cumulative_sum - k exists in sum_frequency. If found, it implies the existence of a subarray summing up to k. Calculate the length of this subarray.
  • Update max_length, start_index, and end_index accordingly.

3. Update sum_frequency:Store the current cumulative_sum and its index in the sum_frequency dictionary if it doesn't exist already.

4. Return the longest subarray

5. If a valid subarray is found, return it along with its length; otherwise, return an empty array and length 0.

Code Implementation: Now, let’s translate our approach into Python code:

def longest_subarray_with_sum_k(nums, k):
max_length = 0
cumulative_sum = 0
sum_frequency = {0: -1} # Initialize with a sum of 0 at index -1
start_index = end_index = None

for i, num in enumerate(nums):
cumulative_sum += num
if cumulative_sum - k in sum_frequency:
length = i - sum_frequency[cumulative_sum - k]
if length > max_length:
max_length = length
start_index = sum_frequency[cumulative_sum - k] + 1
end_index = i
if cumulative_sum not in sum_frequency: # Store the index of the first occurrence of each sum
sum_frequency[cumulative_sum] = i

if start_index is not None and end_index is not None:
return nums[start_index:end_index+1], max_length
return [], 0
# Example usage:
nums = [1, -1, 5, -2, 3]
k = 3
subarray, length = longest_subarray_with_sum_k(nums, k)
print("Longest subarray:", subarray)
print("Length:", length)

Real-World Applications: The longest subarray sum problem finds applications in various domains, including:

  • Financial analysis: Identifying the longest period of profit or loss in stock market data.
  • Genomics: Analyzing DNA sequences to find regions of interest with specific characteristics.
  • Signal processing: Detecting patterns in time-series data such as temperature records or sensor readings.

Complexity Analysis:

  • Time Complexity: O(n), where n is the length of the input array.
  • Space Complexity: O(n) due to the storage required for the sum_frequency dictionary.


In conclusion, we’ve explored an efficient algorithmic solution to the longest subarray sum problem using Python. By employing cumulative sums and a hash map, we’ve achieved linear time complexity, making it suitable for processing large datasets. This problem-solving approach not only enhances our algorithmic proficiency but also finds practical applications across diverse domains.