2015 Year in Review: The People I Spent Time With Part 1

mack gordon
10 min readJan 16, 2016


2014’s List: https://medium.com/@mackgord/2014-year-in-review-the-people-i-spent-time-with-e4156eada3fe#.lxi711y66

2013’s List — http://mackgordon.tumblr.com/post/75675423823/2013-year-in-review-the-people-i-spent-time-with

2012’s List — http://mackgordon.tumblr.com/post/40591991601/the-people-i-spent-time-with-2012-in-review

I kept track of my ‘hang stats’ a little differently this year, splitting them into deliberate and casual hangouts. Deliberate doesn’t mean that we made plans, it just means that our time together was of a higher quality than just a simple hello at a party or a shared chat in the grocery store line. Obviously this is open to my interpretation but that’s life. A deliberate stat counts as one point whereas a casual hang counts as a quarter, I’ll list the sum of these two as the ranking number and then frequently break it down in the write-up.

As always, it’s important to note that this list does not value level of friendship. It’s more a measure of proximity than a list of my favourite people (although a lot of the entrees are my favourite people). Work still doesn’t count. Only social hangs are eligible.

The number next to the name is the sum total of deliberate hang stats and casual stats (again, with a value of .25). The number in brackets is how many hang stats the individual had last year. The third name is their position in the list from last year.

I closed out the honourable mentions for local friends at a minimum of 8 deliberate hangs this year, which is very high. For out of towners I dropped the limit to three for an honourable mention, other than that, this year out of towners will be treated as equals on the list proper. So, Let’s get into some

Honourable Mentions:

This list is essentially 80th to 64th place, so while some hangers appear to have fallen down the list, some have actually risen significantly.

Tim Johnston— 8 (2) — NR

Maddy Wilson — 8 (14) — 32nd

Gio Mocibob — 8 (0) — NR

Gio dressed as Mel Gibson dressed as William Wallace.

Sarah Bernstein — 8.25 (1) — NR

Katrina Darychuk — 8.25 (0) — NR

Sebastian Kroon — 8.25 (21) — 15th

Kyle Sutherland — 8.25 (13) — 40th

Tanessa Wiebe — 8.5 (0) — NR

Kayvon Kelly — 8.5 (9) — 75th

CJ Renee — 9.0 (0) — NR

Austin Strang — 9.0 (2) — NR

Austin and Andrew at Curtis bday party. Andrew is kindly pointing at Austin so you can tell which one he is.

Phil Miguel — 9.0 (1) — NR

Pippa Johnstone — 9.0 (14) — 31st

Jocelyn Price — 9.0 (9) — 80th

Claire Hesselgrave — 9.0 (10) — 66th

Claire in the foreground of this out of focus action shot (most of the pictures I take).

Julie Casselman — 9.25 (0) — NR

This is a big cocktail we got at the Hidden Tiki Bar. Julie looks on as Peter prepares to drink it up.

Kirk Smith — 9.25 (10) — 61st

Out of Town Honourable Mentions

It’s obviously harder to get quality hangs in when you’re from out of town but these people made the effort and they should be rewarded for that.

Chris Cooley — 3 (26) — 11th (Last Year’s Rookie of the Year)

Chris came to visit me in Kamloops.

John Ellingson — 3 (0) — NR

Paul Beard — 3 (0) — NR

Jane Sanden — 3 (4) — NR

Earl Maynard — 3 (0) — NR

Earl eating a sandwich that’s bigger than his son.

Derrick Heathfield — 3.25 (8) — 83rd

Kaitlin and Derek in a limo with Chaad and Hannah creepin’ in the background.

JP Lancaster —4 (0) — NR

Grant Mackinnon — 4 (0) — NR

Marcus Ulm — 4 (1) — NR

Matt Lockhart — 5 (9) — 71st

Kelsey Ulm — 5 (3) — HM (Honourable Mention)

Nolan Ulm — 5 (1) — NR

Shawn Blatchford — 5 (4) — HM

Tom Ulm — 6 (6) — HM

The List

These top 61 hangers all logged at least ten hangs a piece. For the sake of my own time and sanity, I’ll keep people grouped together with minor write-ups until the top 2o.

61. Chris Cochrane — 10 (9) — 76th

60. Sebastien Archibald — 10.25 (14) — 30th

59. Katie Johnston — 10.25 (9) — 73rd

Sebby served himself a couple of drinks too while bartending at our Shake the Sheets! fundraiser.

Chris Cochrane’s numbers spiked in September, putting up a good showing during the fringe festival while he worked on Granville Island. He’s been chasing the dragon of his 2013 wherein he put up 13 stats. Archibald only saw a slight fall despite being out of town for a good 6 months of the year. Last year I speculated that most of Katie’s hang outs were properly quality one on ones and this year’s data proved that as she put up 10 deliberate hangs with only one casual run-in, in September, to her name.

58. Byron Noble — 10.5 (7) — HM

57. Sean Oliver — 10.5 (11) — 55th

56. Stefano Giulianetti — 10.75 (2) — NR

Byron didn’t want me to put this on Facebook. It’s not on Facebook, Byron!

Last year Byron missed out on the list, making the honourable mentions with a note that he’d likely bounce back due to a Foreigner remount in February and March. Bingo. Sean Oliver remains ever consistent with a 10 and a 2 (10 deliberates and 2 casuals), his spike (4 stats) happening during the Fringe Festival when we were sharing a venue. Stefano sees a boost that could be viewed as problematic; this year I started working parttime on Science World’s ‘On the Road’ team, travelling to smaller communities without science centre’s to put on shows. We went on two trips together, which doesn’t necessarily count for anything becuase it’s work. However, Stefano is one of the most fun human’s alive, never missing a chance at extracurricular activity, so, if we’d simply stayed in and watched a movie in the evening, I wouldn’t have counted a hang, but when we make a trek into the woods and cut down a Christmas tree, arrange it amongst the science bins, then have a beer at the brewery across from the hotel, well I’m gonna count that every time.

55. Joel Feenstra — 11.0 (0) — NR

54. Jordan Klassen — 11.0 (10) — 64th

53. Cam Anderson — 11.0 (5) — NR

Jordan enjoying some cake while Lance chuckles.

I met Joel in Kamloops while working on Robin Hood, a charming young man always willing to play a game of Werewolves or drink a beer. Jordan Klassen sees a modest jump in the rankings despite just a small leap in actual hang outs, he composed a score for my fringe show this year and would’ve been even higher if that didn’t count as work. Cam has his best showing since this lists existence and I’d predict an even larger jump from him in 2016.

52. Andrew Cooper — 11.25 (0) — NR

51. James Kot — 11.25 (19) — 19th

50. Mike Jarosinsky — 11.25 (5) — NR

49. Jordan Lyut — 11.5 (12) — 47th

This is James from a Steak n’ Morty night where we eat steak and watch Rick n’ Morty.

Andrew Cooper is another new friend I met in Kamloops while doing Robin Hood. James Kot sees a harsh decline despite still consistent numbers. He twice went two month spans with zero hangs which will catch up pretty quick. Mike J., as he’s known to his friends, enjoys a large jump due mostly in part to our one on one roadtrip down to California for the Coachella music festival. You’d better believe bonding happened. Jordan Lyut remains consistent, showing how large a difference even half a hang stat can mean to your overall ranking.

48. Heather Cant — 11.5 (1) — NR

47. Dan Williams — 11.5 (11) — 53rd

46. Sharon Williams — 11.5 (12) — 43rd

45. Mike Gill — 11.75 (3) — NR

44. Luc Roderique — 12 (12) — 48th

Another patented out of focus action shot featuring the Williams family.

Heather is an old friend who moved to Kamloops a few years back. She was my director in Robin Hood and enjoyed a social spike. My In-Laws, Dan and Sharon Williams split the difference with their numbers from last year. Amazing that Sharon was a full ten rankings higher than Dan despite only one hang of difference. Mike Gill shoots up the list and would be a candidate for rookie of the year except for his three hangs at the end of last year. Luc’s numbers remain exact despite a fairly decent share of casual stats (4) compared to deliberates (11).

43. Ryan Corbett — 12 (13) — 34th

42. Kelsey Corbett — 12 (13) — 33rd

41. Parker Corbett — 12 (13) — 36th

40. Cooper Corbett — 12 (13) — 35th

This about says it all!

My sister’s clan — from nearby Kelowna — hangs in there with big showings in November and December (5 a piece). As my nephews get older and better at travelling, I predict these numbers will go up.

39. Derrick Pelletier — 12.25 (1) — NR

38. Christine Leroux — 12.25 (0) — NR

37. Skylar Nakasawa — 13.25 (0) — NR

This is from our hockey winter summitt. After the pitch and putt, after the rented out boardroom, Derek secured a private room at the Rogue where league discussions could continue.

Some nice showings from last year’s unrated. Derrick made a midyear move to the city though most of his stats are from hockey pool events that he would’ve been at either way. Christine and Skylar were the stage management team on Robin Hood, a very social techie twosome.

36. Christine Quintana — 13.25 (28) — 8th

35. Chelsea Haberlin — 13.25 (12) — 45th

34. Andrew Hart — 13.25 (5) — NR

33. Lance Odegard — 13.5 (13) — 37th

One of my favourite memories of the year, Lance bartending the Shake the Sheets! ‘Southern Gothic’ fundraiser.

Quintana free falls in a year that our busy schedules simply did not compute. She managed months with more than one hang only in January and August (3 & 4) and suffered from the introduction of the casual stat (she had 5 which, last year, would’ve put her at 17 total stats rather than 13.25). In this case, I don’t think it’s showing that her previous year’s finish was any sort of casual stat anomaly however, so don’t look too hard into that. Chelsea remains consistent throughout the years and mysteriously turned it on with a 5 stat May. Andrew uses the social tonic that is the hockey pool to move into the list proper for the first time. Lance keeps essentially the same stats as last year but a closer look reveals that he was on pace for 22 stats half way through the year. A complete draught from September to December (without even logging one of his 6 casual stats) was as much my fault as his.

32. Sean Marshall, jr — 13.75 (9) — 74th

31. Dusan Magdolen — 14.5 (0) — NR

30. Melissa Thomas — 14.5 (0) — NR

29. Wyatt Purcha — 14.5 (0) — NR — Rookie of the Year

28. Cail Judy — 14.5 (15) — 26th

Wyatt and I battling on a bridge as Rob and Johnny in Robin Hood.

I was surprised that Sean’s numbers were up from last year but I think I miraged myself a little by correlating his strong Jan and March start (3 hangs a piece) to last year instead of this year. He actually had a very strange pattern of logging 3 stats in the odd numbered months (Jan, March, May, and then another three in August), when he was hot, he was hot. Dusan, Melissa, and Wyatt are another three from the Robin Hood crew. I knew Dusan and Melissa from prior years in Kamloops but Wyatt was a new and welcomed addition to my friendship circle. He was one of the only Robin Hooders who logged stats outside of June and July, coming to Vancouver and attending WWE SummerSlam with me. He’s the Rookie of the Year and if he hadn’t been so flakey easily could’ve been higher up on the list. Cail Judy remains ever steady.

27. Caitlin McCarthy — 14.75 (15) — 27th

26. Kenton Klassen — 15.0 (17) — 21st

25. Hannah Zachritz — 15.0 (4) — NR

24. Kristen Sawatsky — 15.0 (12) — 46th

23. Pembrook Clarke — 15.75 (17) — 20th

This was the only funny picture I could find online of any of these people. It’s Caitlin and Amitai.

Caitlin and Pembrooke remain consistent across the board while Kenton, Hannah, and Kristen all saw single month spikes of 5 hangs (interestingly, each in a different month, August, September, and April, respectively). Much of Hannah’s jump can be attibuted to a move to Vancouver in August.

22. Scott Sollows — 16.25 (2) — NR

21. Dustin Senos — 17 (4) — NR

At our hockey pool’s Summer summit (ya we have two), Nolan and Sollows become best buddies. I wish Senos was there.

A huge jump for both Senos and Sollows results from moves to Vancouver part way through the year. I’ve known Scott a long time but I haven’t really known him that well. Dustin, on the other hand, I’ve known forever. I can’t wait to see what sort of damage these two do in 2016. Stay tuned for the Top Twenty Hang Stats!

