A Profession Which Will Survive A.I. And Pays Pretty Well

4 min readMay 15, 2023


Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

So many of us afraid loosing job, or having job profiles totally change and being not certain if we would be able to catch up with new technologies. Data Analysts becoming Front End Developer, Nurses leaving their jobs and learn how to be QA Testers, there are many insane examples.

But there is a profession which average age is 55+, the members are getting totally old, really a few young people decide to do it, it has lot’s of challenges, political ones, environmental ones and it’s at last it’s able to mobilize funds and governmental supports.

What is this?

It is The Farmer.

But it could be anyone from farming industry, a horticulturalist, an animal keeper …

In Central Eastern Europe I have the following stereotype in my mind of a Farmer.

Works hard on the fields. The land sometimes gives little, or a wildfire burns the yield.

It can also happen, that the E.U. asks the Farmer to cut off fruit trees, vineyards and compensates the Farmer for this.

It is also in my vision, that a Farmer can get lot’s of EU funds, free, or with good payment conditions.

Lately there is issue with watering, droughts, or new pathogens are decimating the crops.

But I rarely saw a Farmer who’s ancestors also did farming, and the Farmer at certain point decides that he would become a QA Tester, or a Front End Developer.

Photo by Gregory Hayes on Unsplash

Have you ever thought how much a tractor cost?

How many vehicles, storage facilities are needed to run the business?

I hear from time to time that some young farmers stop working, taking a break or doing something else but it is all still related to the field.

From growing crops, turning out to grow herbs, fruit trees or grapes, making wine or stronger spirits, grow mushrooms, raise hairy pigs for prosutto and so on.

Farming is rarely bound to business certificates, but you have to own some land and work on it. Have a vision, a project, keep yourself in the learning loop.

Or if some certificate is needed it can be achieved within a 3–6 months training.

Of course the Farmer must know what is the business about. Whom to sell, where to buy, when to do what, how long it will take, and how much it will cost.

Want to start with farming?

I am searching for governmental programs, which could promote farming among youngsters in the Czech Republic.

Out of this, you could start on renting a small garden, or a plot, grow fruit, veggies, serve the local community, raise some animals in a small shed, part time to your main job.

You can find thousands of online materials sharing experience and know-how on the combination of several type of agro business in different budgets.

Photo by Andre Ouellet on Unsplash

Small achievements

Last year I bought 6 pipes of corn as a treat after lunch for 5 euros. 2 for each in the family. I think I bought this combo for a few times, 5 times for sure.

Well now I bought seeds for 25 euros. Beans, squash, corn — the Three Sisters, leafy greens, zucchinis, lettuce, green peas, swede, cucumber ..

I shall count with the cost of water, but I won’t. In Czech Republic we have 15–25% inflation on average. Food is more expensive than last year, more than 25%.

So my after meal corns will be also more expensive.

But I bought seeds for 25 euros once I can harvest, I will save more only on a small 50 m2 garden. (I also bought a dozen trees, special dwarf fruit trees. Concentrated yield on less surface.)

And this is just the fun part. A silly hobby, and it makes me and my family feel so great being outside. Examining every insect, making friends with birdies, and chasing cats ready to poop on the yard.

Our neighbours have chickens. A little further a guy is raising mangalica pigs in the forest. In the nearby village a lady has 4 cows and several goats.

What will you have as an excuse not to grow a thing on your balcony or front yard?




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