My Most Unusual Investment Option: Buying Forest

3 min readMay 16, 2023


Photo by Irina Iriser on Unsplash

I just don’t trust crypto. I am not old fashioned but I like bulletproof options, or close to be bulletproof.

I don’t have silver coin buried in my garden in a chest, but if I think about that people are copying investors’ portfolios. Then I am thinking of Bill Gates.

Report: Bill Gates is largest owner of private farmland in U.S., with acreage across 18 states — source

If I would copy him, I would buy farming land; 242.000 acres.

But I can’t.

The reason is simple.

Farming land in the Czech Republic, (where I live) is insanely expensive. A man with a salary from 8–5 job just never going to buy a proper piece of land.

Even a garden in the suburbs. Forget about it. Too expensive.

Photo by Mar Bustos on Unsplash

As per today’s ads on the real estate market, 10 km far from my hometown (40 km from Prague), a 2000 m2 garden is the cheapest meaningful size of land, as a buying option, it cost on today’s exchange rate cca $ 70000 !!!

Of course, if you are lucky and have lower standards for the location, you can get further into the outskirts lower price, but a piece of land 40 km away from home is not a 10 minutes drive.

Narrow roads, in questionable conditions, the further from the crowd, the more the chance that your land could even be robbed.

Your harvest, your yield, your crops, your animals robbed. Or you have some great idea, and grow things in your forest that no one would find out what it is. (Truffles for example)

Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash


You can find cheaper options if you buy forest.

For $ 30000 you can buy 10–15000 m2 forest.

It is yours. It keeps it’s value. It will not fall for any speculation, as long the land is not a target of political expropriation.

What to do with a forest?

I mean I have my answers, but you may have yours.

Agroforestry for growing, when trees and crops raised together.

Agrotourism for mixing up agriculture and tourism.

Raise animals. The mangalica pigs were created for forest life, and the meat is best for prosutto.

Cut trees and grow trees, or bamboo and sell for furniture making companies.

Grow truffles. Yes, around here you can buy tree plans which is injected with truffle spores, and it will grow you truffles.

Make a stone age settlement and promote it for IT geeks as digital detox retreat.

Or use it as a retreat for the next pandemics. (SARS, Covid, XYZ..)

Ask your government for financial fund or support that is available for your forest.

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