Self-publishing with Macmillan in the USA: A guide for authors

3 min readNov 10, 2023

Macmillan Publishers is a global publishing company with a strong presence in the United States. It offers a variety of publishing options for authors, including self-publishing.

Macmillan’s self-publishing program, Imprint, provides authors with a range of services to help them publish their books, including:

  • Editing
  • Design
  • Printing
  • Distribution

Authors can choose to have Macmillan handle all of these services, or they can take on some of the tasks themselves.

Benefits of self-publishing with Macmillan in the USA

There are several benefits to self-publishing with Macmillan in the USA, including:

  • Reputation: Macmillan is a well-respected publisher, so having your book published with them will give it credibility.
  • Distribution: Macmillan has a wide distribution network in the USA, so your book will be available in bookstores and online retailers across the country.
  • Services: Macmillan offers a full range of services to help you publish your book, so you can focus on writing and marketing your book.
  • Support: Macmillan has a team of experienced professionals who can help you with every aspect of the self-publishing process.

How to self-publish with Macmillan in the USA

To self-publish with Macmillan in the USA, you need to submit your manuscript for review. If your manuscript is accepted, you will work with a Macmillan editor to prepare it for publication. You will also need to choose a book cover design and decide on a printing and distribution plan.

Macmillan’s self-publishing program is not free. There are fees associated with editing, design, printing, and distribution. However, Macmillan offers a variety of payment plans, so you can choose the one that best meets your needs.

Tips for self-publishing success in the USA

Here are a few tips for self-publishing success in the USA:

  • Write a great book: This is the most important tip of all. Your book needs to be well-written and engaging in order to be successful.
  • Edit your book carefully: Once you have finished writing your book, have it edited by a professional editor. This will help to ensure that your book is free of errors and polished to perfection.
  • Design a great book cover: Your book cover is the first thing potential readers will see, so it’s important to make a good impression. Hire a professional book cover designer to create a cover that is both eye-catching and relevant to your book’s content.
  • Market your book: Once your book is published, you need to market it to potential readers. This includes creating a website for your book, promoting it on social media, and reaching out to book bloggers and reviewers.

Self-publishing can be a rewarding experience, and it can be a great way to get your book published in the USA. Macmillan’s self-publishing program is a good option for authors who want to self-publish their books with the support of a well-established publisher.

In addition to the tips above, here are a few specific things you can do to market your self-published book in the USA:

  • Submit your book to libraries: Libraries are a great way to get your book in front of potential readers. You can submit your book to libraries directly or through a distributor.
  • Run book signings and events: Book signings and events are a great way to meet potential readers and promote your book. You can partner with bookstores, libraries, and other community organizations to host book signings and events.
  • Advertise your book online: You can advertise your book on social media, search engines, and other websites. You can also run paid advertising campaigns.

By following these tips, you can increase your chances of success when self-publishing your book in the USA with Macmillan.




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