Definition of social work in Iran is practically different from what NASW has defined

Madadkarnews مددکارنیوز
3 min readDec 21, 2023


In 2014, the National Association of Social Workers has defined the social work as follows:” The social work is a practice-based profession, an academic major which facilitates social changes and development, social correlation, empowerment and people liberation. The social justice, human rights, social responsibility and respecting to diversities are main elements of social work. The social work relying on the social sciences, humanities and domestic knowledge has engaged individuals and structures in the face of life challenges and welfare promotion.”

Definition of social work in Iran is practically different from what NASW has defined.

We will face challenges and ambiguities if we compare the social work definition with what NASW says. The first challenge is academic major. Why should we confront following problems if we believe the social work in Iran is a specialized profession and an academic major?

1. In terms of obtaining a social work position, several majors have been defined in many organizations and recently in the health ministry you must have social work license but there is not enough executive guarantee in practice.

2. Why are other majors allowed to participate in recruitment tests of social work such as psychology, consulting, sociology and etc?

3. Why are the licenses of life positive centers and social work clinics issued for other academic majors? and why is the value of a social work certificate lower than having estate in the first assessment of candidates of obtaining a license for life positive centers?

4. Why are scientific and union associations silent against who has no academic license on social work and introduces himself as a social worker and only has spent some time at workshops and webinars?

5. Why do other people use home visit as an important tool of social work without any scientific and professional competence? and when a social worker wants to apply a psychological tests why should he send his clients to a psychometer while he has been taught at psychometrics for hours?

Iranian social workers association has to adapt the definition of social work with the NASW definition by removing the current obstacles and preventing the entrance of non-specialists who have the aims of obtaining a job, satisfying the sense of philanthropy, enjoying the interaction and hearing about people’s stories. Perhaps for a period of time it was simple to hire irrelevant educated people due to the lack of professionals but today according to the current conditions and social harms we should pay more attention to the admission of people whether in organizations or universities. The social work should be scientifically and practically adapted by international definition and authorities has to redefine the social work profession and have accurate control on the terms of obtaining this job in public and private organizations.

Parvaneh Khaftan, Master in social work

Definition of social work in Iran is practically different from what NASW has defined

The Official Website Of The Iranian Social Workers

Iranian social workers’ official website

Iranian social workers Media contains 3 subsets called as ISW announcementsISW Virtual Magazine and ISW English website. During 10 years of activity, six books entitled “the book of year” were compiled and published; the content of two was based on media campaigns. ISW website is the only one around the world whose specific content is annually published as a book. The significant point is the independence of this Media from the governmental and non-governmental organizations.



Madadkarnews مددکارنیوز

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