How Improvement in Growth Plans Comes at a Risk of Asset Quality Pressure

Sneha F
5 min readMay 22, 2024


Growth and asset quality often sit on a delicate balance. Financial institutions, especially banks and lending companies, constantly strive to expand their portfolios and enhance growth metrics. However, this ambition comes with the inherent risk of deteriorating asset quality. Striking a harmonious balance between aggressive growth and maintaining asset quality is a challenge that requires a nuanced, risk-adjusted approach. Abhay Bhutada, MD of Poonawalla shares his insights.

Abhay Bhutada, MD of Poonawalla Fincorp

The Balancing Act: Growth and Asset Quality

Banks and lending institutions are under constant pressure to grow their loan books and market share. This growth is essential for enhancing profitability, shareholder value, and competitive positioning. However, rapid expansion can lead to a compromise on the quality of assets if not managed prudently. Poor asset quality translates to higher non-performing assets (NPAs), which can erode profitability and stability.

Risk-Adjusted Approach to Growth

To achieve sustainable growth without compromising asset quality, a risk-adjusted approach is imperative. This involves a strategic focus on lending to creditworthy customers while avoiding high-risk segments. The approach entails thorough due diligence, leveraging robust data analytics, and employing stringent credit assessment frameworks.

Focusing on Bureau-Tested Customers

A crucial aspect of this risk-adjusted strategy is the emphasis on lending to bureau-tested customers. These are borrowers with an established credit history, as documented by credit bureaus. Lending to such customers mitigates the risk of default, as their creditworthiness has been vetted through their past financial behavior.

We are not focusing on new to credit customers or riskier segments, says Abhay Bhutada. By avoiding segments with high default probabilities, such as first-time borrowers or those with poor credit histories, financial institutions can safeguard their asset quality. This targeted approach ensures that the loan portfolio remains healthy and sustainable.

Leveraging Robust Databases

Access to comprehensive and reliable data is a cornerstone of effective risk management. With a vast database, lenders can perform in-depth analyses of potential borrowers, assessing their financial health, repayment capacity, and creditworthiness. This data-driven decision-making process minimizes the risk of bad loans and ensures that only the most creditworthy customers are approved for loans.

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Cash Flow-Based Lending

Cash flow-based lending is another critical aspect of maintaining asset quality. By focusing on borrowers with stable and verifiable cash flows, lenders can ensure that the borrowers have the means to service their debt. This approach reduces the likelihood of defaults and contributes to a healthier loan portfolio.

Positive Performance Indicators

The efficacy of this risk-adjusted approach is evident in the performance metrics of the loan book. The success of the current lending strategy is reflected in the reduction of Gross Non-Performing Assets (GNPA) from 1.44% to 1.16% and Net Non-Performing Assets (NPA) from 0.78% to 0.59%. These improvements indicate that the measures taken to safeguard asset quality are yielding positive results.

Sustaining Improvement in Asset Quality

So, going further also you can expect further improvement in terms of asset quality.** The sustained reduction in NPAs and improvement in asset quality metrics suggest that the current growth strategy is both effective and sustainable. By continuing to focus on bureau-tested customers with stable cash flows and leveraging comprehensive databases, financial institutions can maintain this positive trajectory.

Challenges and Mitigations

Despite the robust strategies in place, challenges persist in maintaining asset quality during growth phases. Economic downturns, regulatory changes, and market volatility can impact borrowers’ ability to repay loans, potentially increasing NPAs. To mitigate these risks, continuous monitoring and dynamic risk management practices are essential.

Proactive Risk Management

Proactive risk management involves regularly reviewing the loan portfolio, conducting stress tests, and updating credit assessment models based on emerging trends. This proactive approach enables lenders to identify potential risks early and take corrective measures before they escalate.

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Technological Advancements

Advancements in technology, such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), play a significant role in enhancing credit risk assessment and management. These technologies can analyze vast amounts of data, identify patterns, and predict default probabilities with high accuracy. By integrating AI and ML into their credit assessment processes, financial institutions can further enhance their ability to lend responsibly while maintaining asset quality.

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While the pursuit of growth in the financial sector invariably carries the risk of asset quality pressure, a risk-adjusted approach offers a viable solution. By focusing on bureau-tested customers with verifiable cash flows, leveraging robust databases, and employing advanced technological tools, financial institutions can achieve sustainable growth without compromising asset quality. The positive performance indicators and the continuous improvement in asset quality metrics provide a testament to the efficacy of this approach. Moving forward, maintaining a proactive stance on risk management and embracing technological advancements will be crucial in navigating the delicate balance between growth and asset quality.

Future Outlook

The financial landscape is ever-evolving, with new challenges and opportunities emerging regularly. As financial institutions continue to grow, they must remain vigilant and adaptable. The lessons learned from past experiences should inform future strategies, ensuring that growth is pursued responsibly and sustainably. By maintaining a steadfast focus on asset quality, financial institutions can achieve long-term success and stability, benefitting not only themselves but also their customers and the broader economy.

Key Takeaways

1. Risk-Adjusted Approach: Emphasize lending to creditworthy, bureau-tested customers with stable cash flows to mitigate default risks.

2. Robust Data Utilization: Leverage comprehensive databases for in-depth borrower analysis and informed decision-making.

3. Technological Integration: Utilize AI and ML for advanced credit risk assessment and management.

4. Proactive Risk Management: Regularly review and stress-test loan portfolios to identify and address potential risks early.

5. Sustainable Growth: Balance the pursuit of growth with stringent measures to maintain and improve asset quality.

By adhering to these principles, financial institutions can navigate the complexities of growth while ensuring their asset quality remains robust and resilient.



Sneha F

Tech-savvy mom chasing numbers in the captivating world of finance accompanied by the latest musical tunes. Let’s enjoy numbers as well as melodies together.