New Year Resolutions: Start with Atomic Habits to Become the Best Version of Yourself

6 min readJan 3, 2022
Photo by Lala Azizli on Unsplash

At the beginning of each year, we all seek new ways to improve as we welcome a new chapter in our lives. We define new year resolutions and promise to stick to them as the new year unfolds. But more often than not, we take on big goals that are unsustainable. They are either too challenging to upkeep with everything else going on, or we lose the motivation along the way. These new year resolutions rarely turn into good habits to morph us into better people. Thus, a few months into the new year, we give up going to the gym regularly, eating healthy, writing our blog or book, or whatever we were so keen to achieve when we made the promise to ourselves.

To discuss habits further, I will leverage the awesome book on Atomic Habits by James Clear and share what I found most impactful and relatable. In preparation for new year resolutions, this book provides valuable resources on how to set ourselves up for success. It is an easy read with a lot of pragmatic guidance on how to evolve the approach we take to pretty much everything we do.

TL;DR of Atomic Habits

Small and repeatable actions compound into life changing results. After all, no major transformation happens overnight, so employing a day by day sustainable process is how we become our…

