Craft: our commitment to running a safe, diverse, and welcoming event

Jack Sheppard
2 min readJan 6, 2017


Craft aims to be series of design events in Manchester that focus on the craft behind good design. It is born out of a feeling that we should discuss all kinds of design and we should learn from other people’s experiences not their portfolios.

I am no stranger to events in the tech and design industries. I have been lucky enough to speak at events all around Europe and even luckier to bring great minds to Manchester to speak at events I have helped organise. It is because of this that I appreciate the challenges we have in creating a space that people feel comfortable, happy, and able to speak out and share.

Out of all of the events I have spoken at or organised I can’t think of a single issue being raised about attendee/speaker/sponsor safety or comfort but that does not mean that it doesn’t happen.

Code of conducts are important but also a much argued about subject. I personally believe that it is counter productive to assume the worst but I also believe very strongly that a welcoming culture doesn’t come easy, it takes work and it takes — in some cases—enforcement.

That is why I want this to exist as a record of what we want to achieve with Craft and how we are going to uphold our values.

Our commitment

Craft is a place where everyone is welcome. That is regardless of age, sex, gender, profession, experience, race, appearance, sexuality, religion, height, weight, shoe size, and anything else that makes us different, unique, and interesting.

Craft is a place where people are free to share their ideas, to disagree, to discuss, and to speak out about what they believe in, care about, and feel. That is with complete mindfulness of all of the things that make us different, unique, and interesting.

Craft is a place where we aim to provide a diverse range of speakers and contributors. We want you to be able to relate to our content regardless of all of the things that make you different, unique, and interesting.

Craft is a place for collaboration and contribution. It isn’t easy organising an event or to strike a balance and sometimes we will need help. We ask that you suggest anything you feel is necessary or appropriate with an understanding of that. We can’t wait to work with you.

We ask that everyone who attends or speaks or contributes to our event believes in and follows the same commitment we do. If you feel like someone is making you feel unwelcome, or you have any concerns, this is not something you should put up with. If you need or want our help or assistance please let us know.

If you yourself do not believe in our commitment and cause anyone to feel unwelcome or unsafe then you will be removed from the event.

Thank you for reading and I can’t wait to meet as many people as possible at one or all of our events.

