Quotient (thm) writeup

4 min readJul 23, 2022
room description

This time we can skip getting a foothold and dive right into PrivEsc.

So I connect via xfreerdp:

xfreerdp usage

We could use several enumeration scripts here but let’s go with the manual approach this time. Let’s begin by getting a general overview of the box and check some quick wins.

I strongly recommend doing the Windows PrivEsc room before you start this room. It gives you a nice overview of different approaches. Personally took a lot of notes while doing this room so I have a checklist that I can rely on. Everytime I see a new way to escalate privileges I add it to my notes.

Starting off with systeminfo:

Check users:

Check whoami /priv. This can reveal some very easy ways to escalate, but we’re unlucky this time:

Looking for some non-default files or folders I found:

development=unfinished=insecure=interesting right?

A Service.exe 2 folders deep, both folders containing empty spaces. This screams unquoted service path. Let’s check for it.

Get some more information about the service:

service information

This path is definetly unquoted. The Start Type is AUTO_START tho, so we have to look at this again. Let’s see if we have write access somewhere.

I decided to use an alternative to accesschk, I use :

We can place files in Development Files. So let’s recap what we know so far:

We have a service called “Development Service” which starts a Service.exe located in:

C:\Program Files\ Development Files\Devservice Files\

Wo what exactly happens with the service? Upon boot (because of Start Type: AUTO_START) this service searches for the exe in this order:

  1. C:\Program.exe
  2. C:\Program Files\Development.exe
  3. C:\Program Files\Development Files\Devservice.exe
  4. C:\Program Files\Development Files\Devservice Files\Service.exe

So if we place a fittingly named .exe within the first 3 steps, this .exe will be used upon start and execute with system privileges. We have write access to Development Files. So we can do it like in step 3 and place a file called Devservice.exe in Development Files. Since we have no rights to modify the service config, we have to restart the box to restart the service. Sounds like a plan, let’s execute it:

Generate a payload.

msfvenom generated staged payload

Host the files on kali:

Start powershell on our victim and use:

Don’t forget the listener:

Now restart the box back in the command prompt:

/r makes the box restart instead of shutting down.

/t 0 executes this command without delay.

After waiting for a bit the shell pops but dies almost instantly, let’s try with another payload. Stageless this time.

This worked like a charm!

Lesson learned:

Found another way to look for writable paths without accesschk.

