Tips to make house entrance look like heaven

Madhavaram Constructions
2 min readDec 7, 2015


“First impression is the last impression.” You must have definitely heard this phrase. There is not even an iota of doubt about it. As you, as a living being, like to make impression on other people, your house also leaves imprints on the guests. A warm and positive atmosphere is welcomed by all. We all love to decorate our house and give our best shot at interior designing. But least do we give attention to the entrance of the house. A well-decorated front door is much appealing to the guests than a dull one which is on the verge of wearing off. So, here are the few tips to have an inviting house entrance and communicate positive vibes to your guests.

  • Lush greenery is a natural way to amp up the surroundings. Tiny plants and colourful flowers waving to your guests with the light puffs of air are surely going to fill your guests with all the freshness they need.
  • Veranda of any house is vital to the front door. Decorating your veranda with some artistic chairs with fluffy cushions on them and a table in between with handcrafted vase provide an elegant look to the exteriors of your house.
  • To make the exteriors more charming, try to match up the design on entrance and decoration of main front door.
  • Colours are that blessing for which we cannot be grateful enough. They can do wonders. Make the best use of them. They help in making the surroundings more serene and vibrant.
  • Wind chimes hanging at the entrance can add to this aesthetic beauty by producing melodious tinkling sounds in rhythm with the flowing air outside.
  • Last but not the least, do not make the entrance look hotchpotch in the effort of fitting everything. Do it bearing in mind the provided entrance space of your house. Simplicity is the most under-estimated element.

If you also ever wished to sip that morning tea sitting on your comfy chair while reading a newspaper, all that amid calm and green surrounding, then follow these tips and head towards enhancing the entrance of your house. If you need any more assistance, then Madhavaram Constructions is the best place to look for.



Madhavaram Constructions

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