How to automate tasks with CRON on Ubuntu

Simran Madhok
3 min readJul 18, 2021


Photo by Alex Knight on Unsplash

A cron job is a Linux command used for scheduling tasks to be executed sometime in the future with a pre-decided time and date pattern. This is normally used to schedule a job that is executed periodically — for example, to send out an email notification every morning.


  • Access to Ubuntu 18.04 or higher
  • Script to be executed with cron
  • CRON daemon setup (We’ll cover it anyways)

As a quick guide, here is our sample Python script in place

from datetime import datetimeprint("CRON executed at - \n")
print("%D %H:%M:%S"))

Virtual environments & CRON

Your .py script would be mostly built around the virtual environment bubble containing necessary python packages.

And to ensure that your cron job accesses the environment-specific modules associated with its own virtual environment, just quickly run below command in your activated virtual environment:

>> which python3

..which returns above python executable path. Keep it handy for our next step

Next we’ll install and setup cron daemon in our Ubuntu environment:

  • Update your computer’s local package dependencies
sudo apt update  # remove sudo if you do not require root privileges
  • Install cron
sudo apt install cron
  • Make sure its set to run in the background
sudo systemctl enable cron
  • Check cron active/inactive status
sudo systemctl status cron
  • Add your cron job(s) by enabling crontab
crontab -e

If its your first time setting up cron, you’ll be prompted to select a default text editor when editing jobs within crontab.

You can choice either of the options comfortable with. For now let’s go with nano editor

Now, you’ll notice there is no Time zone indicated — by default UTC. We can change that with our local time zone — example IST (Indian Standard Time)

TZ = "IST" # first LOC below documentation comments

Now, there are essentially 3 parts of the cron job command we need to focus on —

cron pattern | python path | python script

Writing the correct syntax patterns for cron jobs seems a tedious task but I personally find very easy to experiment with.


Our python script would be executed every Friday at 11.03 am.

3 11 * * FRI /home/user1/mock_project/my_venv/bin/python3 /home/user1/mock_project/

Optionally, you can track error logs if the cron job fails at any given point by appending a simple parameter to our cron command:

3 11 * * FRI /home/user1/mock_project/my_venv/bin/python3 /home/user1/mock_project/ > /custom_path/abcd.log 2>&1

Save and close the crontab; view all listed cron jobs(read mode only):

crontab -l

To view currently running cron jobs execute:

sudo grep CRON /var/log/syslog

If you are interested in a quick test-run of cron daemon on your Ubuntu system just enable below cron job that will print current date every minute:

* * * * * /bin/bash -l -c 'date > ~/cron-test.txt'

Useful tips

As part of your Web applications that are IaaS based and require periodic database backups, you can setup daily/weekly CRON jobs.

For example — Django provides a single LOC to dump database at specific location. You may go a step ahead and dump your DB files encrypted in private Cloud storage!

And that’s all needed, hope it serves as a quick guide. Always appreciate feedback and thoughts.

Other articles that helped me along the way



Simran Madhok

Software Engineer — Python Full Stack Developer — Mobile Application Development