A King Who Had Wisdom and Wonders: Prt.1.

Madiha goher
2 min readFeb 26, 2024

Once upon a time, in a vast desert with beautiful palaces, people were living with justice and peace under a great king.

Photo generated by AI of a Desert with a Palace.

The king welcomed Prince Sulaiman into the world, and the people celebrated his birth.

The author generated the photo of people celebrating through AI.

This story starts when Sulaiman became king after his dad, Dawood, took the great responsibility of being a good and kind ruler.

He was gifted with a heart filled with wisdom and always wanted to do what was fair and right.

One day, while Sulaiman was sitting on his throne, two women came to him, each claiming to be the mother of a beautiful baby.

The author generated the photo through AI.

Everyone in the kingdom was watching quietly as Sulaiman listened to their claims, his face calm, his mind at work.

Then, wisdom far beyond his years he came up with a surprising idea. He said, “Bring me a sword. We will cut the baby in half, and each woman can have a part.”



Madiha goher

Lawyer & book lover on wheels. Writing on life, inspiration, horror, and love. Exploring the world through words and travels.