The Simply Fit Board is Simply Disastrous

Madison Heil
3 min readApr 20, 2017



“The workout board with a twist. Fun, EZ & Effective Workout in just minutes a day!” That is what the headline reads when you visit Sounds enticing, right? I thought so too.

As seen on the popular TV show Shark Tank, the Simply Fit Board launched in 2013. The company’s mission is “to help everyone take that first step to fitness.” Thus, a miniature, plastic, surfboard-like product was created to achieve that goal — one that looks like a warped party platter, if you ask me.

After seeing several infomercials for the Simply Fit Board, my roommate gave in and bought one, though I’ve never seen her use it. So I thought why not try it. Maybe it could be fun. Well it was FUNny when I ended up on the floor.

The infomercial does a great job at selling the board — what infomercial doesn’t? They make claims of losing weight and gaining rock hard abs in easy 10-minute workouts on the board. Of course there is a 60-day, 100% money back guarantee, which is always a plus.

Now, I only used it for a night, but I was just testing the logistics of the board first, not the overall effectiveness. I dug the board out of my roommate’s closet, blew the dust off, and hopped on. Here is how it went…

One thing they don’t tell you on TV is that it takes a person with good balance to use it. Being a dancer, I can confidently say I have good balance, but this board was tricky at first even for me. I had to catch myself from falling more than once. I couldn’t imagine having no balance at all and stepping on for the first time.

Also, I couldn’t get the board to stay still. It either moved forward or backwards when I was twisting, or I started spinning in a circle. I think this was because the floors in my house are stained concrete and the board might fare better on carpet or under a mat of some sort, which is disappointing because the infomercial says it can be used on any surface. Wrong!

Much to my surprise, I did feel a little burn in my legs during the 10 minutes I was twisting around my house. The infomercial claims that you should feel the board working within 30 seconds, and if not you’ll get your money back. My core wasn’t burning but I could tell my legs were definitely being used. Maybe I’ll feel it in the morning. I wouldn’t recommend to someone with bad knees though, since you’re in a semi-squat position the whole time. (Fun fact, the website says it’s for ages 8–103. 103!)

Unfortunately, I got bored super quick. Just balancing and twisting was not “fun.” I barely made it for 10 minutes. Now, I could have done it while watching TV and not have been so easily bored. But I did entertain my roommates!

Again, since I only used it once, I can’t speak to it’s effectiveness, but in some of the reviews I read, people have claimed it did something for them. I just don’t think I could use it everyday. If anything, I would bet it does help improve your balance — the one claim that might actually be true.

The real downside is the price. For $39.99 plus $7.99 for shipping and handling, you get a board of your color choice along with a workout DVD. And any other accessory or DVD is extra money. This miniature, plastic surfboard is not worth almost $50 dollars, it’s just not. If this was advertised for $19.99, I’d say try it. But you can’t have your cake and eat it too.

So for those of you fitness gurus out there, who love to try every new fitness trend, don’t add the Simply Fit Board to your list. You’re welcome in advance. Now enjoy this video of me twisting my heart out on a blue miniature surfboard.

Me testing the Simply Fit Board. Enjoy!

