The Mad Meerkat Project
8 min readMar 23, 2022


The Madness, will always be the only way we play.

Post-Fight Jitters

The couple of days since MMT have been rather… strange to say the least. Given the Mad success of all our endeavours, we should be feeling proud with a significant degree of satisfaction or just to simply, feel more. Surprisingly, what we felt instead, was a tinge of dissatisfaction.

Of course, we could always look at the hard facts and ignore this itch but something about this feeling just didn’t sit right so, we decided to figure it out. Trying to understand the source of this dissatisfaction was no easy feat but after days of intense team reflection, we finally found that blemish. The best part? We can put it down concretely in a clear, simple and short one-liner. Here goes.

It’s just not Mad enough.


Pre-Fight Reminiscence

This was the perennial, underlying sentiment that we’ve been feeling ever since MMT. Everything that we have set out to build has so far has been a personal challenge for each of us at MM. Our latest work, The MM TreeHouse is a clear example of this phenomenon. The beauty of MM Treehouse does not solely lie in its artwork but also in its execution. Personally, I loved every bit of this Mad journey of slowly piecing together MM TreeHouse. From idea conceptualisation of its utility (Building social media in web 3.0) to continuously refining aspects of the TreeHouse platform to what it is today. Undeniably, this process has been painful, but I feel this one emotion in increasing magnitude as we cleared each stage of building MM Treehouse. Pure, unfiltered joy.

Maximum joy for me requires two ingredients. 1) An opportunity to commit all my energy, abilities and skillsets to test and break my limits in order for me to 2) create a product that results in a net positive for this world. Absolutely nothing else makes me more fulfilled in this world than this. This is what makes work at MM Mad for all of us.

Work of Evergreen Kings, another example of Mad Kat pushing himself with Madness.

That’s exactly why $MAD needs to change. Don’t get me wrong, it’s good and it probably will result in a net positive but… it’s not challenging enough. There’s also nothing wrong about accessorizing, breeding, mutating etc but when produced without novel or a follow-up utility then what’s the point of its existence?

Very importantly as well, we started MM to do better. We’re not to play within set boundaries but to always test the limits and better yet, create our own Madness.

So obviously, $MAD plan must change 😉.

Digging Deeper

Apart from being a long-term utility coin that will:
-Form the foundation on which, future MM NFT ecosystem will be built on.
-Integrates suitable roadmaps of Cronos NFT Projects (subject to the agreement of both project teams).

The $MAD token will now be the governance token of the MMA world. Wait… what?

What MMA world?

The New Playing Field: Mad Meerkat Arena (MMA)

Introducing the Mad Meerkat Arena (MMA), our first foray into a NFT X GameFi integration.

MMA Game Mechanics:

Each MMB will enter the MMA World as a Mad warrior. Each MMB will receive a certain number of Stats points. You can then decide how best to allocate them accordingly. No changes can be made once allocated. Once completed, each MMB will start off at Level 1, where defeating monsters and other players in PVP will allow the MMB to gain experience and be able to farm $SVN — the dedicated in-game currency.

In essence, there are 6 main mechanics (with more to come in the future) in the MMA world:

1) $MAD token: The governance token for the MMA world, the $MAD token can be used to purchase Mad Sacks that contains fighting gear for your MMB. Each piece of equipment has its own stats that could prove to be strategic in your success in the MMA world. To acquire $MAD token, you will be able to either stake your MMT NFTs for $MAD tokens, or you can choose to purchase $MAD token at MM Finance.

2)$SVN token: You can farm $SVN when you send your meerkats out into the wilderness to fight monsters. You will also be able to earn $SVN when you PVP other users. $SVN token will be used to level up your MMB characters and can also be used to upgrade your equipment.

A distinction to note is that $MAD is used for minting, $SVN is used for upgrades. More details will be released with regards to the exact mechanics.

3) Wilderness: You will be able to send your Meerkat out into the wilderness to fight monsters. When fighting NPC monsters, your Meerkats will undergo a battle simulation against the monster to determine the winner, which will be recorded on the Cronos chain. Each battle depends on the core stats of your own character, vs that of the NPC monster. You will be able to see the battle logs after each battle.

4) Tavern: Level up your MMB by using the $SVN tokens to purchase experience points in the tavern. Each level requires an increasing amount of experience points to attain. When you level up successfully, your Meerkat gains stat points. Every week, highest level-ed Meerkats will receive $MAD tokens for simply being the king of the hill.

5) Arena: PVP your way to the top. Winners get to earn both $SVN tokens and $MAD tokens. Losing a fight will result in you losing the participation fee denoted in $SVN The tokens goes to the winner of the fight in PVP. The challenger gets to earn $MAD tokens if they win the fight.

6) Sanctuary: Pick your fights and battle smart. Why risk all your hard earned $SVN? Using the Sanctuary, you can stake a proportion of your $SVN and earn a daily APR interest while using the rest for battle. Doing so secures your staked $SVN and protects it from being lost in battle and you earn daily APR. Win or lose the fight, you’re already winning in the Sanctuary.

Tokenomics Concept

As observed, the $MAD token and $SVN tokens exist in the world of MMA to ensure a smooth and rewarding gaming experience. The $MAD token is considered to be a scarcer resource where its prime usage is to be used in attaining equipment to buff up your MMB. The $SVN token is the main gaming currency that you will be rewarded for partaking in most actions in the game. Finally, players of the MMA game will also be required to hold $MMF tokens as the $MMF token will be used as the “gas token” for the games. Every time users trigger a “fight” either in the wilderness or in the arena, a small amount of $MMF tokens will be deducted from their wallet as gas. How does this work?

The MM team will build a battle simulator feature that will perform RNG functions to determine winners of a fight. For such a feature, the MM team will be paying gas on behalf of the user through the use of $CRO tokens (which means that CRO tokens will not be deducted from users’ wallet). Instead, the MM team will require users to pay a nominal fee for the gas when triggering fights with NPCs or other players, and the token of choice would be the $MMF token.

We will share more details on the tokenomics behind $MAD and $SVN tokens, and how everything comes into play in a follow-up Medium article close to the launch of MMA.

Battle Mechanics

There are a total of 4 main stats for each character: Strength, Dexterity, Agility, Accuracy. Each of these stats will alter the Attack, Defence, Evasion, Hit-Rate, and even Hit Points of your MMB character. When your character gets sent into a battle, you will be battling either an NPC or a player of which have their own stats. The characters will be sent into our battle engine where each character will take turns to attack. The ultimate winner is the one who manages to reduce the hitpoints of the other to 0. Whenever a fight is won, you will be able to earn $SVN tokens. These tokens can be used to level up your character, or you can sell it on MM Finance. When leveling up your character, it will gain stat points which will allow you to further improve your character. Beyond that, stats can also be improved when you purchase rare equipment for your character with the use of $MAD tokens.

Future planned developments:
- Purchase of land to form guilds
- Breeding feature for MMB characters

Madness, Re-ignited

We believe that this is a potentially mad stepping stone towards building one of the biggest and most sustainable games on Cronos chain. Should this be successful, the spotlight will once again shine on Cronos, attracting more users from other chains here. Moreover, this creates an opportunity for further integration into the MM ecosystem as MMA will require users to use $MMF tokens like a gas token, which means that there will now be more holders of the $MMF token. Beyond that, we are excited at the potential of incorporating different game mechanics, and we are certain that the $MAD and $SVN token will work hand in hand to allow users to sustainably use our platform as the best play-2-earn platform.

Looking at this now, that tinge of dissatisfaction has ceased to exist. All that remain in its place are the familiar variations of uncertainty. Uncertainty from the scale of this undertaking, worried if this is too big for us to handle and excited by how much potential there is behind this idea. Finally, the Madness feels like home again.

Sounds Mad? Yeah, that’s exactly the point.

P.S To reduce speculation, we want to make it clear that this is a DEFI x NFT x GameFi integration, it will be a static, click-to-play game, not a fps or MMORPG. Please do not be overwhelmed by the hype and over-invest.

Flow of Madness, work by Drudgernot.

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