The Pre-Mint Circus

The Mad Meerkat Project
3 min readDec 2, 2021


Hi everyone, we’re now officially around 3–4 days away (depending on your time zone) from our Cronos mint that is happening on this coming Sunday. The week’s been nothing short of mad. With all the partnership pitching and AMAs we’ve attended, I have discovered a newfound appreciation for our natural saliva production capability.

Me, everyday.

Joke’s aside, the team is extremely grateful for everyone that has taken time to learn more about the Mad adventure us Meerkats are embarking on. What tickles my core however, is the realization that this entire process regardless of success, has placed us in a position where we are constantly communicating and connecting with people from all over the world to seek alignment in values. Community is everything for NFTs and this doesn’t change no matter which life cycle the project is at- even the moment before the project begins. Having spoken to various audiences across the week, we would like to share a reflection from the conversations we’ve had.

When you unite a bunch of strangers on the internet where the only confirmed information about them is the fact that they all made the same purchase, it’s a miracle if the resulting community are immediate best friends with one another. We all carry with us our uniquely different cultures, habits and understanding of the world into a discord. There will definitely be differences in opinions, some might be unintentionally hurtful and others, misinterpreted. Yet, as we all know, strong communities still exist and at record speed.

Here’s why.

We enter communities with a clear mindset of what is wrong and right by our own books. Not discord user#234 or user#859, just your own. When things are seen in such binary lenses, it’s difficult to understand the logic and rationale behind actions that are unfamiliar.

It’s never just about you and when the majority of the community understands the philosophy of this, a strong community made up of various synergized differences can emerge. NFT projects are community builders and as community builders it is our responsibility to set the standard among those that believe in your project.

This is where the MAD values of Maker, Adventure and Daring behind our project came from. No matter what we build going forward, the picture never changes- To build a burrow, home to all the mad differences in all you mad kats.

Issa paaaarrrttyyy!

Once again, everyone on CRO is invited to be part of our burrow on our mint day. Here are the important details and information.

Minting Details for CRO Mad Meerkats

Mint Date: 05 Dec 2021, Sunday
Mint Time:
-Presale 1 (ETH Mad Meerkat Holders) : 1.00PM UTC. Price: 199 CRO
-Presale 2 (Exclusive Partners): 1.20 PM UTC. Price: 249 CRO
-Public Sale: 1.45 PM UTC. Price: 299 CRO.

Installation of a Metamask or CDC Wallet Extension App (connected to CDC Defi Mobile App) can be found here:

Main Staking Details for CRO Mad Meerkats

- Staking at CrocSwap
- Amplify your daily yield by 1% per Mad Kat staked.
-Stake a max of 3 Mad Kats to boost your total returns by 3%, daily.
- 30k USD worth of bonus liquidity — For every meerkat staked in a given period of time, 30k will be divided equally among the staked Meerkats.

Last but not least, it’s December the month of Christmas and I love Christmas. There will be giveaways all through to our mint date on Sunday on our twitter and randomly on our discord. Don’t miss out.

Time to get mad ladies and gentz. See you Sunday.


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