Fiverr Gig
Fiverr Gig

How to create a Fiverr Gig for client hunting? your way to success

Muhammad Adnan
8 min readOct 8, 2022

Many of you might come across a situation where even after learning a perfect digital skill and being an intermediate-level expert, you are unable to find a client. This happened to most of us because we don’t know the right procedure to create a winning Fiverr Gig. In other words, we know the skills but we don’t know how to sell our skills.

In this article, I will not only point out some common mistakes for getting a client but also write a complete Fiverr Gig that will make your concept clearer about selling your services and about client hunting.

I have covered some mistakes in my article “13 Worst mistakes why digitally skilled people fail in life and how to avoid them

However, here I will typically talk about Fiverr Gig creation and common mistakes that we do while making gigs.

PS: I will take the example of Social Media Marketer, you can change it as per your professional services.

Write your Fiverr Gig on Ms. Word or Google Docs

The common mistake we all do is to start writing directly on Fiverr while switching to the selling side.

First of all, whatever services you are selling on Fiverr, start writing on Ms. Word or Google Docs.

This will help you to do proofreading and if someone more experienced than you read your complete Fiverr Gig, this will have an edge also.

Normally, I read 5–6 good Gigs and note down the relevant point. Sometimes you are missing something in your mind to write about. This gives you a fair idea about your services in a more professional way. However, I’m not saying to copy it as it is. Just take an idea and start writing in your own way.

Pro Tip: You can make the first Fiverr Gig about your main course of skill. However, you can create more gigs while splitting your services into different gigs.

Write a Catchy Title or Headline

There are two main things. The first is your title and the second is your image or video of a particular gig. The reason behind this is that these two things are first to catch the attention of buyers.

Again you can choose this by watching multiple gigs that are already established with good work. However, you can write your own expertise in your own way. But it should be catchy enough to grab the attention as well as clearly depict your services.

For example, if you are a social media manager and marketer then you can write the heading “I will be your social media marketing manager and content creator”

Make an Image or Video about your services

In the area of the images, I would recommend you, make a short video about your services. The video content is more likely to get noticed. Your video content should comprise your main title, your actual image, few lines about what your services can do for the betterment of certain industries or businesses. It should be as short as 30–50 seconds.

Later on, you can use some testimonials or your previous work samples for other images. You can also include images of your achievements.

In this way, your catchy title and your images for particular services are ready to show.

About this Gig

The next portion comes “About this Gig”. Most people start praising themselves.

Here is the main point. You need to provide the solution in your paragraph and then pitch your professional services at the end.

Do clearly write your services in detail. Furthermore, also clearly write about charges with are excluded. Let’s say if you are a social media marketer, ads are run at the expense of the client but you need to clearly mention it so that at the end of the deal you should not face any embarrassment about your commitment.

For example, any business requires a marketing plan, strategy, and creativity to reach beyond the horizon. In order to make your business a push and to reach out to the right audience, the importance of Social Media Management and Marketing cannot be neglected. This is the main reason why I am here. TO HELP YOU with my marketing plan, strategy, and creativity.

Let Jump into the Business

Here are the key points what can I do for you

1. Design the best Social media posts that will convert your audience to buyers.

2. I can work with existing content you have (if already content is in symmetry) or I can create new content.

3. I will create a call-to-action strategy for engagements.

4. I will research the most trending hashtags concerning your business using Premium tools and manually to increase the reach of your business.

5. Caption/description for each post.

6. I will create a content calendar and schedule your posts.

7. ORIGINAL CONTENT is my priority.

8. Organic reach of your account through marketing Strategy.

9. Content writing.

10. I will recommend Paid ads/ boosting where it deems appropriate (cost of ads not incl).

It would be an honor and pleasure for me to help you to manage and market your social media presence on these platforms:

· Facebook

· Instagram

· Pinterest

· Linkedin

· Twitter

· TikTok promotion

Platform Type

I have written about social media platforms in the “About this Gig” portion as well. The reason is that this portion has its own importance and above has a different connotation.

So, again you need to mention the platforms for which you want to work.

Management Tools

In this portion, you need to write tools that you use for management. You will be given options about different tools.

It is better that you should write tools which you use personally.

For example, Hootsuite and HubSpot, etc.


The next portion tells about the industry you worked for or you want to work for.

Clearly choose your industry through the given options. Like restaurants, food, and beverages, Photography, Films, Beauty & Cosmetics, etc.

About the Seller

In this portion, you need to tell about your country and have to write a paragraph about yourself.

Here is again, you cannot directly just be praising yourself. Rather, you need to tell about yourself which should have a solution for the reader as well. You can also tell about your experience in years and also you can tell how many industries you have helped yet.

For example, Hi, my name is [Your Name], I am CEO of [Your Company’s Name], and I am here to help you discover the full potential of your company´s success through great Marketing strategies and continuous support in every single step! I am a Social Media Marketing Expert. I will work hard to grow your online presence beyond the horizon and push your business to a level of success. I will professionally take care of your social media management and marketing with Online Marketing, Online Advertising, Fast Delivery, and Full Assistance. Feel free to contact me anytime! Let’s build the world together.


There are three kinds of packages that you need to define. Based on your expertise level and based on the market rate you can choose the rates and packages that you want to offer.

I will recommend that one should not offer rates too low or too high. The reason is that if you offer too low rates, you might get some orders but buyers will consider and treat you as a low-grade worker. If your rates would be so high, then you won’t get orders initially. Hence, you can increase the rate with time, based on your selling level.

For example,

Basic Package:

30 days management

4 engaging posts per week

Best Caption and hashtags

1 Social Media Page

[charges] Lowest

Standard Package:

30 days management

Daily posting for engagements

Best Caption and hashtags

2 Social Media Page

[charges] Average

Premium Package:

30 days management

35 Posts per month

Best Caption and hashtags

3 Social Media Page

[charges] Highest


This portion is also very important. Choose the good questions that people may ask you. This may be based on your experienced or if you don’t have experience then you can search for questions that people generally ask from other gigs. However, you can write answers that you want to further clear to your audience.

Here you can do one more thing, you can also write some more explanations of your Fiverr gig as well that were not covered in the portion above.

Once the order is placed, which is the next step?

Once the order is placed, I will send you a detailed message with a few queries, my requirements, and questions related to your product or services. After collecting this information, I will research it and I will start working on it as per my study. Your first post will be published within 2–5 days of placing an order after the necessary research and evaluation.

How are the posts created?

The posts are created based on your social media page and niche. They are branded posts relevant to your business accompanied by engaging content, trending hashtags, icons, emojis, and call to action.

Do you provide Videos on your content?

The basic package includes one video per month. However, if the business owner provides us with the required video, we can upload more than one also. The standard package includes 2 videos from our side. The premium package includes four videos per month.

Should I expect audience growth and sales from Social Media Management?

Social Media Management is used to create professional accounts with brand awareness and engaging content and attractive posts. It is also used to keep the existing audience active and engaged. This is the reason, a specific number of audience growth or a particular audience is not promised/expected. As far as the sale is concerned, we make organic and paid ads strategies for converting the audience to buyers. Sales mostly depend upon the quality of your product, effective advertisement, and client communication. We can reach your product through promotions and advertisements to the right audience. (Cost of ads is not included in any package).

Bottoming Up

If you will follow the above steps, there are 99% chances that you will get the client. However, the story doesn’t end here. Many people find clients but due to due to lack of communication skills, they eventually lose it. I have already written a small article about “7 client communication tips” that you can use while communicating with your clients.

One more thing to add here, you will come across keyword information during your Fiverr Gigs creation process. You can write some good keywords while searching on Fiverr also.

Nevertheless, the baseline I have provided you. Now, you can amend this as per your own requirements and as per your skills.

Another important article about freelancing is “Freelancing management without losing work-upon getting sick or Act of God

You may ask anything related to Fiverr Gig in the comments section. Keep following for more information.

