How to Make Sure Republicans Lose: Let Trump be Trump.

Mike Madrid
3 min readJul 10, 2020
Photo by Darren Halstead on Unsplash

According to Johns Hopkins, over 135,000 Americans have succumbed to the deadly outbreak of COVID-19. Meanwhile, over 2.5 million are still infected, with thousands of new cases reported daily in California, Texas, Florida, Arizona, South Carolina, Utah, and Georgia.

Alongside these skyrocketing numbers, are tell-tale signs that Americans are getting sick — finally — of the chaotic sideshow that is Donald J. Trump.
Any other President would be wielding the full force of Presidential authority, working in conjunction with our allies abroad, to contain the virus and curtail the pandemic. To any other President, re-election could wait. Partisanship and political bickering would be put on pause, and, as in times past, we would work together as one nation.

Especially, while our country is coming to grips with questions of civil rights that we haven’t had to face in over fifty years. But instead we get a President willing to sacrifice our Greatest Generation, men and women who survived the invasion of Normandy and the Great Depression, for the sake of the Dow Jones and NASDAQ index, and willing to spur racial hatred for the sake of his re-election

Fortunately, the American people are getting wise to this charlatan’s shameful shell game.



Mike Madrid

Sacramento GOP political consultant; Latino voting trends/analysis. Partner at GrassrootsLab. #Georgetown @theAAPC Board Member. Co-Founder The Lincoln Project.