Modern Android App Development — 1 — Setup & Create First App in 8 minutes

Lukasz Madrzak (Woocassh)
3 min readApr 23, 2017


This is the first tutorial in the series of tutorials where I teach YOU android app development. (This tutorial is valid as of Android Studio 2.3)

Video version here:

Create New Project

Install Android Studio on your machine

Launch Android Studio

Click “Start a new Android Studio Project”

Specify your “Application name:”. E.g. “TutorialOne”

Click Next.

Ensure “Phone and Tablet” option is ticked. Click Next.

Select “Empty Activity”. Click Next.

Leave activity name as is. Click Next.

Wait for Android Studio to create your project.

Project is now created and ready to run.

Run Project

In order to run your project you’ll require either an actual Android device with OS version equal or higher to the one specified during creation of the project or an emulator.

Below I will explain how to create an emulator using Android Studio.

Select Tools > Android > AVD Manager

Click Create Virtual Device button.

Select Category “Phone” and device type “Nexus 5X”. Click Next.

Select a system image. Choose “Lollipop” if you don’t know what to select. Click Next.

Select Emulated Performance Graphics to “Hardware — GLES 2.0”. Click Finish.

Close “Your Virtual Devices” window and go back to the main Android Studio screen. You should see this:

Now press the Green Play button.

Select Virtual Device you have created. Press OK

The app should now launch. It might take a minute or two for the emulator to startup.

The app doesn’t do anything but displays a simple “Hello World!” text.

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