Crafting an Ethical Compass for the Era of Gen AI: Charting Ethical and Legal Frontiers

Mads Kjoeller Damkjaer
4 min readAug 17, 2023


In the dynamic race to adopt AI, there’s a whirlwind of news headlines that can leave us in a state of uncertainty. A consortium of 1,400 technologists is calling for a collective pause in the technology arms race, advocating for cautious consideration. Sam Altman, the visionary behind ChatGPT creator OpenAI, proposes the establishment of a global consortium akin to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to forestall the potential cataclysmic consequences of AI’s misappropriation.

In a world poised on the precipice of AI’s transformative might, questions about the ethical and legal frameworks surrounding these nascent technologies are gaining prominence. The future landscape remains an enigma, and companies grapple with the challenge of demarcating boundaries for the responsible integration of AI into their operations and offerings. The decisions we make today, as stewards of technology, hold the power to shape generations to come.

At Tomorrow Projects, we recognize that the inherent nature of tools is not inherently virtuous or malevolent — it’s the design that shapes their impact. For years, designers have harnessed AI tools, experimenting within the contours of their creativity. Rather than alienating ourselves from AI’s embrace, we recognize the need for clear guidelines, forming a path of ethical exploration that resonates with our core values. In the face of an AI-tinged future, we have chosen intention over imposition, aiming to sculpt a world that we intentionally design.

This ethos isn’t novel; our journey has been one of continual evolution. For over a decade, designers have woven data science into the tapestry of design, striving for inclusivity, equity, and accountability. Through a plethora of initiatives, our pursuit is to foster responsible practices, unpack unintended consequences, and scaffold organizations in navigating the ethical dimensions of their decisions and creations.

In the landscape where generative AI takes center stage, the time is ripe to assemble new tools for our expedition. Design research takes the helm, deciphering the imprint of generative AI on our creative realm. Our mission: to blend legality with compassion — forging creations that cater to thriving individuals, relationships, and communities.

Acknowledging the frontier nature of the legal landscape, where norms are yet to crystallize, we find ourselves oscillating between empirical data and the humane gut feeling. This guides our discernment about the types of data fit for use, the reasons for their application, and the juncture at which they thread into our design fabric. Ultimately, guidelines emerge.

Consider these examples, but they are by no means exhaustive:

Ethical Quandary:

AI-generated images or content might be inadvertently perceived as factual, inflicting unintended harm.

Guiding Light:

Attribute AI-generated content, extending credit where it’s due, and affix the prompt alongside the creation, when relevant.

Verify factual accuracy through reputable third-party sources.

Embracing these evolving guidelines isn’t a static endeavor; it’s an evolving journey. Just as AI’s landscape is fluid, our ethical and legal considerations reflect snapshots in time. The vast terrain of possibilities defies comprehensive coverage; instead, it beckons us to perpetually revisit, reevaluate, and refine our approach. As we usher in the era of Gen AI, the contours of our ethical compass will shape the destiny of tomorrow.

Pioneering a Compassionate Frontier: Cultivating Ethical and Legal Horizons for Gen AI

In the ever-accelerating pursuit of AI, we find ourselves at a crossroads of possibilities and uncertainties. The chorus of technologists advocating for prudence and the creation of a global consortium underscores the gravity of our choices in this burgeoning era. As the technological tides swell, ethical and legal considerations become the lodestars guiding our path forward.

The enigmatic landscape ahead is marked by questions that transcend industries and challenge our moral fabric. Companies grapple with the quandary of ethical AI integration, realizing that responsible adoption is key to shaping a future that resonates with our collective values. With AI poised to sculpt generations to come, the decisions we make today cast a lasting imprint on the annals of history.

At Tomorrow Projects, we illuminate the path of ethical design. Our journey isn’t one of alienation from AI, but rather one of empowerment through intentional guidelines. With decades of experience fusing data science and design, we’ve been at the vanguard of inclusivity, equity, and responsibility. Now, as generative AI takes the reins, we embrace the journey of research and exploration, crafting legal and ethical guardrails that usher AI into the service of humanity.

The nebulous legal landscape necessitates a fusion of data-driven analysis and compassionate discernment. With the rules yet to be fully etched, we’re guided by a blend of empirical knowledge and ethical intuition. These considerations shape our choices, dictating the usage, rationale, and timing of AI-driven data in our design process.

And so, the guidelines emerge as beacons of ethical practice

Ethical Dilemma:

AI-created content being misconstrued as factual, leading to inadvertent harm.

Ethical Guideline:

Attribute AI-generated content, giving credit where it’s due, and placing prompts alongside artifacts.

Validate accuracy through reliable third-party sources.

Our journey into AI’s realm is an ongoing odyssey, marked by evolution and adaptation. The landscape, a mosaic of promise and uncertainty, prompts us to cultivate an agile ethical compass, revisiting and refining our principles as the world evolves.

In this unfolding narrative, the technology is but a tool — powerful and profound, yet sculpted by design. The AI-enabled future beckons us to be architects of our destiny, to harmonize innovation with ethics, and to envision a world where AI serves as a force for human betterment.

As we navigate the uncharted waters of Gen AI, let our principles guide us. The compass we forge today will illuminate a future where AI’s prowess is harnessed responsibly, where the human experience thrives, and where the legacy we pass to future generations is one of ethical ingenuity and boundless possibilities.

