5 Similarities Between Bigiano and Portable Zazuu

Kokouda Godwin
3 min readJun 21, 2022


Mentioning Portable Zazuu in the same sentence with Bigiano sounds a little bit abstract, is there really any similarities between these two totally different men. But what could be the reason for bringing them out on the same page? Similarities do not really have to do with personality or genre of music, could be background and journey to fame.

For those who do not know, Portable came into the limelight in the Nigerian music scene in 2021 with the help of Kogbagidi and Pocolee who is a known video vixen and a dancer. But Portable did not just emerge from nowhere, he had been banging in the streets of the slums in the rural areas of Lagos state for over a decade and was patiently working his way towards a breakthrough, which he eventually got in 2021.

Even with his huge success and dramatic turnaround, Portable Zazu has succeeded in carving such a personality which has placed him in a bad light, especially amongst spectators who hold morals in high esteem. He appeared in various news where he has been caught instigating violence or being in physical fights. His history on the streets has done no justice to his personality either, Portable over time was accused of street fights, gang attacks, and even theft. It is understandable that one would wonder what similarities would warrant Bigiano to be placed in the same article with an artiste with such questionable character, one as Portable Zazu.

Bigiano obviously also grew up in the streets and understands what it feels like to be from the ghetto part of town, but when it comes to his leadership qualities, it comes without question, he has not been in the news for bad behavior and, he has also founded corporate organizations and succeeded with his good coordination and guardians.

So, what are the distinguished qualities between both acts that seem already largely different?

  1. Both artists are from the streets: and can make really relatable songs for the average ghetto kid.
  2. Generally accepted songs: Both have hits that are generally accepted by the average street dudes and the people in the contemporary world. No matter where you stand, you find yourself loving these songs. It is for everybody.
  3. Smash entry single: Only a hand full came into the Nigerian music industry with a solid hit that went viral. Bigiano and Portable Zazu broke in with major hits that made them top gunners.
  4. Surprisingly large fanbase: These two might not really come off as artists who would use such tracks as Zazu and Shayo to amass a lot of fans especially globally but these two made it happen. Shayo made it for Bigiano and Zazu made it for Portable.
  5. Rumors of owning their own labels: There are rumors in recent times signaling that both of these artists either own or are planning to launch their individual record labels properly, even though both of them had gone independent from way back, taking responsibility for their own management and so on.

