Started learning frontend and already stuck? Read this

Taras Mazurkevych
2 min readMay 24, 2017


Hey. Just started learning frontend and already stuck? Every dev had been there but here are some tips which will help you. They seem obvious if you have some experience, but when you are just starting, they aren’t.

  • If you have runtime error on a new technology, use Google search tools to filter outdated information — click on “Tools” and select a time range. It’s great to add version, for example, React 15.5, Python 3.5 Angular 2. That will help you to find the answer more quickly. It’s important when you’re searching answers on JavaScript which updates rapidly.
  • If you are searching some docs on core JavaScript, include “mdn” at the end of your query. MDN (Mozilla Developer Network) is a great storage of knowledge on the web.
  • If you decided to learn new technology, but haven’t got any experience in it, it’ll be better to clone some boilerplate or a small project built with this technology. Then change the code and figure out how it works.
  • Use and read GitHub issues. Almost always you’re not the first person who had problem X.

If you stuck on something google first. If you couldn’t find an answer in 20 minutes, then you may ask someone. Respect other’s time.

