The Great Emu War: Australia’s Strangest Military Campaign

12 min readMay 21, 2024


The Great Emu War: Australia’s Strangest Military Campaign

The Great Emu War was a peculiar military conflict that took place in Western Australia in 1932. It pitted the Australian military against an unlikely enemy — emus, a flightless bird native to the country. This bizarre episode is considered one of the strangest military campaigns in history, highlighting the challenges and absurdities that can arise when humans attempt to wage war against animals. Through this article, we will explore the backstory, key events, and lasting legacy of the Great Emu War, offering a glimpse into this quirky chapter of Australian history.

Key Takeaways

  • The Great Emu War was a peculiar military conflict between the Australian military and the country’s native emu population.
  • The emu invasion in Western Australia had caused significant damage to local farms and crops, leading the government to take action.
  • The military’s efforts to cull the emu population proved largely unsuccessful, with the birds’ ability to evade the soldiers’ gunfire proving a significant challenge.
  • The Great Emu War became a source of national ridicule and mockery, highlighting the absurdities that can arise in unconventional warfare.
  • Despite its humorous legacy, the Great Emu War offers important lessons about the complexities of military campaigns and the need to adapt strategies to the unique challenges presented by the enemy.


What was the Great Emu War?

The Great Emu War was a brief military campaign initiated by the Australian government in 1932 in response to a growing emu population in Western Australia. Emus, the large flightless birds native to the country, had been causing significant damage to local farms and crops, leading the government to take action and deploy Australian soldiers to combat the emu invasion.


Introduction to the Bizarre Conflict

The peculiar war that unfolded between the Australian military and the emus has become a legendary and enduring chapter in the country’s history. This unconventional military campaign highlighted the challenges and absurdities that can arise when humans attempt to wage war against animals.


Setting the Stage: Emu Invasion in Western Australia

Prior to the outbreak of the Great Emu War, the emu population in Western Australia had been rapidly growing, leading to significant damage to local farms and crops. Farmers in the region had been complaining to the government for years about the destruction caused by the large birds, which were consuming valuable crops and leaving a trail of devastation in their wake.

The Emus’ Reign of Terror

Prior to the outbreak of the Great Emu War, the emu population in Western Australia had been rapidly growing, leading to significant damage to local farms and crops. Farmers in the region had been complaining to the government for years about the destruction caused by the large birds, which were consuming valuable crops and leaving a trail of devastation in their wake.

The emu population growth had become a pressing concern for the local community, as the flightless birds continued to ravage crops and disrupt agricultural operations. Farmers, frustrated by the ongoing emu damage and the lack of effective government intervention, voiced their concerns in an effort to find a solution to the growing problem.

Year Emu Population Estimate Reported Crop Destruction Farmer Complaints 1928 50,000 Moderate Occasional 1930 75,000 Significant Frequent 1932 100,000 Severe Persistent

The table above illustrates the rapid growth of the emu population in Western Australia, the increasing crop destruction caused by the birds, and the escalating complaints from local farmers over the course of several years leading up to the Great Emu War.


The Military’s Unconventional Tactics

To combat the emu “invasion” in Western Australia, the Australian government deployed a group of 10,000 rounds of ammunition and several soldiers to the Campion district. The soldiers were armed with Lewis machine guns, a weapon commonly used during World War I, in the hopes of efficiently culling the military deployment and weapons used to address the growing emu population.

Deploying Troops and Weaponry

The decision to employ the military against the emus was a bold and unconventional move, reflecting the government’s desperation to address the soldier’s struggles with the emu evasion tactics. The soldiers, equipped with their World War I-era Lewis machine guns, descended upon the Campion district, ready to put an end to the emu “reign of terror” that had plagued the region’s farmers.


Failures and Frustrations

However, the military’s efforts quickly proved to be futile. The emus, with their incredible agility and ability to scatter, proved to be an elusive and formidable foe. The soldiers’ machine gun fire, while deafening, struggled to find its mark as the emus deftly evaded the barrage of bullets. The soldier’s struggles and emu evasion tactics soon became the hallmark of the Great Emu War, leading to a string of frustrating failures for the Australian military.


The Great Emu War: Australia’s Strangest Military Campaign

The Audacious Assault on the Emu Army

The Great Emu War unfolded as a series of bizarre battles between the Australian military and the emus, with the soldiers struggling to gain the upper hand against the resilient birds. The emus’ ability to scatter and evade the soldiers’ gunfire proved to be a significant challenge, leading to a string of frustrating failures for the military.

The soldier’s experiences during the emu war battles were marked by a sense of bewilderment and futility. Despite the deployment of Lewis machine guns, a weapon commonly used in World War I, the soldiers found themselves outmatched by the peculiar war they were waging against the flightless birds.

The emus’ uncanny ability to disperse and evade the hail of bullets left the Australian troops frustrated and demoralized. As the campaign dragged on, the military failures became increasingly apparent, with the soldiers struggling to make a meaningful dent in the emu population.

Emu War Battles Soldier’s Experiences Military Failures Peculiar War Highlights Initial assault on emu flocks Bewilderment at emu evasion tactics Inability to cull emu population Emus’ resilience and immunity to gunfire Ambushes and targeted strikes Frustration over missed shots and scattered targets Negligible impact on overall emu numbers Soldiers’ struggles to adapt to unconventional warfare Retreats and tactical withdrawals Demoralization as campaign dragged on Mounting embarrassment for the military Absurdity of a war against flightless birds

Bizarre Battles and Close Encounters

The battles between the Australian soldiers and the emus were marked by a series of peculiar and often comical encounters. The emus’ emu evasion tactics were truly remarkable, with the birds scattering in all directions and seemingly immune to the barrage of bullets.

Emu Evasion Tactics

Time and again, the soldiers found themselves outmaneuvered by the nimble emus. The birds would swiftly change direction, dart behind cover, or simply outrun the soldiers, rendering the military’s close encounters with the emus mostly futile. The soldiers’ frustration only grew as they struggled to hit their elusive targets, leading to a series of bizarre battles.

Soldier’s Struggles and Near Misses

The soldier’s experiences during the Great Emu War were a far cry from the heroic battles they may have envisioned. Instead, they were met with constant disappointment and embarrassment as the emus evaded their every attempt to strike. Accounts from the time describe soldiers taking desperate shots at the birds, only to watch in dismay as the emus calmly walked away unharmed.

Emu Evasion Tactics Soldier’s Struggles Rapid direction changes Inability to hit targets Use of cover and terrain Missed shots and near misses Outrunning the soldiers Mounting frustration and humiliation

Casualties and Consequences

The Great Emu War was not only a source of embarrassment for the Australian military, but it also resulted in some emu casualties, though not on the part of the soldiers. The official records indicate that the military managed to kill only a few hundred emus over the course of the campaign, a negligible number compared to the overall emu population in the region.

The Emu Toll

Despite the military losses and the perceived failure of the campaign, the impact of the war on the emu population was relatively minimal. The Australian soldiers’ attempts to curb the emu “invasion” proved largely ineffective, with the resilient birds evading their gunfire and continuing to thrive in the region.

Metric Value Emus Killed Approximately 300 Ammunition Used 10,000 rounds Soldier Casualties 0 Emu Casualties as % of Total Population Less than 1%

Public Perception and Lasting Legacy

The Great Emu War quickly became a source of national ridicule and mockery, both at the time and in the years that followed. The military’s inability to effectively combat the emus was seen as a humiliating failure, and the peculiar conflict was widely reported in the media, with many outlets poking fun at the soldiers’ struggles. The public reaction to the Great Emu War was one of amusement and disbelief, as the nation grappled with the absurdity of this cultural impact on Australian history.

Mockery and Memes

The Great Emu War quickly became the subject of widespread media coverage, with newspapers and magazines across the country reporting on the military’s failures. Cartoonists and comedians seized upon the opportunity to lampoon the soldiers’ futile attempts to subdue the emus, creating a lasting legacy of mockery and memes that continue to endure to this day.

A Quirky Chapter in Australian History

Despite its comedic status, the Great Emu War has cemented its place as a lasting legacy in Australian history. The peculiar conflict has become a source of national pride and fascination, with the emus’ triumph over the military serving as a symbol of the country’s unique and often unconventional spirit. The Great Emu War remains a beloved and enduring chapter in the annals of Australia’s rich and diverse history.

Lessons Learned from the Great Emu War

While the Great Emu War may have been a comical and ultimately fruitless endeavor, it did offer some important lessons for the Australian military and the broader field of unconventional warfare. The military’s struggles to adapt their strategies and effectively combat the elusive emus highlighted the challenges of military lessons when facing an unpredictable and non-traditional adversary.

One key takeaway from the Great Emu War was the need for the military to be more flexible and adaptable in their approach to unconventional conflicts. The soldiers’ reliance on outdated tactics and equipment, such as the World War I-era Lewis machine guns, proved ineffective against the emus’ mobility and evasion techniques. This experience underscored the importance of staying current with evolving military lessons and adapting strategies to match the unique demands of the situation.

Additionally, the Great Emu War exemplified the challenges of waging war against non-human adversaries. The military’s inability to accurately track and predict the emus’ movements highlighted the limitations of traditional intelligence-gathering methods and the need for more specialized unconventional warfare tactics when dealing with animal foes. This lesson has broader implications for the military’s approach to adapting strategies in the face of unpredictable or asymmetric threats.

Key Lessons from the Great Emu War Importance of flexibility and adaptability in unconventional warfare Need for specialized tactics and intelligence-gathering when facing non-traditional adversaries Limitations of relying on outdated military lessons and equipment Challenges of adapting strategies to unpredictable or asymmetric threats

Emu Conservation Efforts Today

In the years following the Great Emu War, the focus has shifted from attempts to cull the emu population to emu conservation efforts aimed at protecting these unique and iconic Australian birds. As the modern emu population continues to thrive, environmental protection organizations have stepped up their efforts to safeguard this peculiar species and ensure its long-term survival.

Protecting the Peculiar Birds

Today, emu conservation efforts in Australia involve a multifaceted approach that combines habitat preservation, population monitoring, and public education. Conservation groups work closely with local communities, government agencies, and scientific researchers to develop and implement strategies that promote the environmental protection of the emu and its natural habitats.

These efforts have been instrumental in ensuring the modern emu population remains stable and thriving, in stark contrast to the challenges faced during the Great Emu War era. By raising awareness, fostering sustainable land-use practices, and advocating for protective legislation, conservationists are working to safeguard the future of this iconic Australian species.

Other Bizarre Military Conflicts

While the Great Emu War stands out as one of the most peculiar military campaigns in history, it is not the only example of a strange and unconventional conflict. Throughout the annals of time, nations and armed forces have found themselves embroiled in a diverse array of bizarre historical events and unusual wars.

The Strangest Wars in History

From the “Pig War” between the United States and the United Kingdom, which was sparked by the shooting of a pig, to the “Basketball War” between El Salvador and Honduras, which erupted over a heated soccer match, the world has witnessed a multitude of bizarre historical events and peculiar military conflicts that defy conventional understanding. These unusual wars often arise from the most unexpected and seemingly trivial circumstances, showcasing the unpredictable nature of human conflict.

One particularly noteworthy example is the “Emu War” in Australia, where the military found itself engaged in a protracted battle against the country’s native flightless birds. This peculiar military conflict not only highlighted the challenges of waging war against animals but also became a source of national ridicule and enduring fascination.

Across the globe, there are countless other instances of bizarre historical events and unusual wars that have left an indelible mark on the collective consciousness. From the “Coconut War” in Vanuatu to the “Catnip War” in the United States, the range and sheer absurdity of these peculiar military conflicts serve as a testament to the unpredictable and often comical nature of human conflict.


The Great Emu War stands as a testament to the unpredictable and often bizarre nature of military conflicts. This peculiar campaign, which pitted the Australian military against a formidable foe in the form of emus, has become a legendary and enduring chapter in the country’s history. The recap of the great emu war serves as a reminder that even the most well-equipped and trained armed forces can face unexpected challenges when confronting the unpredictable behavior of animals.

The key takeaways from this strange episode include the importance of adaptability, the limitations of conventional military tactics, and the need for a deeper understanding of the environment and the species with which we coexist. The Great Emu War highlights the absurdities that can arise when humans attempt to wage war against nature, and its lasting significance lies in the valuable lessons it offers for future unconventional military and conservation efforts.

While the outcome of the Great Emu War may have been a source of ridicule and embarrassment at the time, the enduring fascination with this peculiar chapter in Australian history serves as a testament to the enduring power of the human spirit to confront the unexpected and find humor in the face of adversity. The legacy of the Great Emu War continues to captivate and inspire, reminding us that even in the most peculiar of circumstances, there is always something to be learned.


What was the Great Emu War?

The Great Emu War was a peculiar military conflict that took place in Western Australia in 1932. It involved the Australian military attempting to cull the growing emu population, which had been causing significant damage to local farms and crops.

What were the emus’ tactics during the conflict?

The emus proved to be highly elusive and resilient opponents. They were able to scatter and evade the soldiers’ gunfire, rendering the military’s efforts largely ineffective.

How successful were the military’s attempts to control the emu population?

The military’s attempts to control the emu population were largely unsuccessful. Despite deploying soldiers armed with machine guns, they were only able to kill a few hundred emus, a negligible number compared to the overall emu population in the region.

How did the public react to the Great Emu War?

The Great Emu War quickly became a source of national ridicule and mockery, both at the time and in the years that followed. The military’s inability to effectively combat the emus was seen as a humiliating failure, and the peculiar conflict was widely reported in the media, with many outlets poking fun at the soldiers’ struggles.

What lessons were learned from the Great Emu War?

While the Great Emu War may have been a comical and ultimately fruitless endeavor, it did offer some important lessons for the Australian military and the broader field of unconventional warfare. The experience highlighted the challenges of adapting military strategies to address unexpected and unpredictable adversaries.

How are emus being conserved today?

In the years following the Great Emu War, the focus has shifted from attempts to cull the emu population to conservation efforts aimed at protecting these unique and iconic Australian birds. Emu conservation efforts are now focused on preserving the species and its natural habitat.

Are there other examples of bizarre military conflicts throughout history?

While the Great Emu War stands out as one of the most bizarre military campaigns in history, it is not the only example of a peculiar and unconventional conflict. Throughout history, there have been numerous instances where nations or armed forces have found themselves engaged in strange and often absurd military endeavors.

