How On-Demand Consulting Can Revolutionize Social Structure

Maester Protocol
3 min readOct 30, 2018


Did you know that over 162 million people in the United States and Europe offer independent work or services? Though traditional jobs have been the norm, progressively larger numbers of young working professionals are veering towards independent work. This upsurge in self-entrepreneurship calls for a massive re-structuring in businesses, governments, and even the way we seek out and make use of freelance consultants.

Digital Marketplaces: The Need of the Hour

Sensing the need to accommodate newer norms for working, digital platforms that offer large scale market places where independent freelancers can offer their services for fees are the future. Maester Protocol is a platform that makes this possible. By connecting knowledge seekers with subject matter experts and consultants from across the globe, Maester Protocol creates a digital environment where such transactions can not only survive, but also thrive.

Tacking the Potential Issues of Freelancing

The lack of income assurance can often lead to hesitation and doubt in the minds of potential independent consultants. With traditional jobs, there lies a sense of security regarding one’s earnings. However, there also lies high numbers of unemployment (or limited employment opportunities). Digital marketplaces that function keeping in mind an on-demand economy can eliminate both these concerns. For starters, platforms like Maester Protocol are open to anyone who wants to provide consulting services. Consumers in contact with these service providers can rate them on their expertise, which ensures that even though the opportunity to work independently is available to all, the overall consumer benefit of gaining expert knowledge is not diluted by the sheer number of consultants available (who may range in their expertise).

Moreover, with automatic digital transactions made the second a consulting session ends, independent workers do not have to fear clients reneging on their promises of payment. Ultimately, digital market places can revolutionize traditional workforces and the way economies currently function.

Revolutionizing the World

Of course, with a large scale shift into freelancing, government agencies are also subject to a certain amount of revolutionizing. Offering financial protection and benefits to citizens such as PF, Social Security, and so on will have to shift from being linked to traditional employments to other means. Digital economies mean great control in the hands of the citizens, rather than those in power, which also can help revolutionize current social structures and the way we function as human beings.

On-Demand Consulting: How Does It Work on Maester Protocol?

Maester Protocol connects you with expert consultants all over the world. Based on your requirements, a simple search for specific services can show you a list of highly rated consultants who charge by the minute. All you need to do is connect with them over a call and gain all the knowledge you need. Once the call is over, Maester Protocol deducts Maester Coins (an etherium based cryptocurrency) from your wallet and transfers it to the wallet of the consultant. It is that simple!

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