
Ajeet Yadav
2 min readApr 9, 2020




AI is the ability of machines to act more intelligently in order to solve a problem with minimum to almost no human intervention.

As per IBM, AI is anything that makes machines act more intelligently.

Types of AI:

  1. Weak/Narrow AI: This makes use of set of programmed algorithms and training data. It can’t learn new things on it’s own. This is the most basic of AI which we have so far achieved to use for industrial purpose. This type of AI is making our lives easier and we are using it in our daily lives. The products includes Virtual Assistants like Amazon’s Alexa, Google’s VA, Microsoft’s Cortana and Apple’s Siri, AI based web searches, self driving cars etc.
  2. Strong/Generalised AI: This can perform set of independent & unrelated tasks and can learn on it’s own. This is under research and is aimed at achieving human level intelligence.
  3. Super/Conscious AI: This is yet to be conceptualised. But in theory, it is aimed at achieving the closest to human level consciousness and can be self-aware. Since, at present the concept of consciousness is yet not widely acceptable to be definitive.

Applications of AI:

  1. Robotics: This field is the biggest customer of AI. The existence & advancement of Robotics depends on the evolution of AI enabled technologies.
  2. Healthcare: Healthcare is the next biggest user of AI enabled technologies. This domain has widely embraced and has pushed the development of new areas of AI.
  3. Education: Education domain has embraced AI for designing & recommending course modules based on individual field of interests and expertise. Also, the Virtual Tutors apps and chat bots are helping students/scholars in their course curriculum.
  4. Gaming: One of the most exciting use of AI is seen in gaming industry. Due to advancements in AI in recent years, the games are becoming more engaging and exciting.



Ajeet Yadav

Coder || Soon to be AI Expert || Engineer