Introducing Contact Hub

Michael F.
3 min readJun 12, 2017


A tag-based, personal, CRM.

My address book was a mess. I had moved to Austin and was trying to meet as many people as I could. Meetups, calls, and an inbox full of connections to log and relationships to be made. But there was a problem: If I was meeting so many people, how come I couldn’t find the person I needed when I needed them?

My activity was growing, but I wasn’t forming relationships. In large part, I forgot who I was meeting.

Joshua Baer, Founder & Executive Director at Capital Factory, had this problem to the nth degree. This problem was a paper cut for me compared to the gaping wound he felt. We were on to something.

What we ended up building was a lightweight CRM in your pocket.
Contact Hub is a powerhouse for entrepreneurs, marketers, business developers, or anyone who attends a lot of social events.

Scan Business Cards

With networking comes business cards. Those cards are precious. They can lead to a new client, friendship, learning experience, the possibilities are endless. The card image captures within seconds and automatically categorizes the information on the card. We also added a little secret sauce that adds social network information, websites and online bio not included on the business card when available.

Automatic card capture and augmented card information.

Create and Filter Tags

So, you’re at a conference, and you finished talking to someone who’s interested in backing your startup. You take a moment to scan their card and enter a few notes about them in their contact info. You also decide to create a tag called, “investors” in case you meet others interested in your idea.

You can also combine multiple tags to drill down on contacts more specifically. You could view investors in Austin, for instance.

Contact Hub will sync across all your iOS devices through iCloud or Google Contacts. This includes any calendar linked to your iOS calendar. See what you have planned for each day and who’s joining you. You can add contacts straight from the calendar and create, edit, or cancel events.

If your one o’clock is a potential client, you can select them in your calendar and view the notes you took earlier for a quick refresher.

Share Tags

Once you’ve created tags, you can easily message tags via SMS or email, or you can share CSV or electronic business cards of entire tags.

Try it out!

If you’re looking for a personal CRM and/or reliable business card scanner, give Contact Hub a shot! You can download here:

If you have any feedback, reach out to me on Twitter @mafellows or send me an email at

P.S. If you love Contact Hub, please rate it on the App Store!



Michael F.

Founder of Broadway Lab. iOS Developer. Machine Learning. Made in Texas.