Life Lessons 2015

Magalie Linda
3 min readMar 17, 2018


1. Mind your own business (it still applies)

2. Make sure you get good vibes from the people and the things in your life

3. You can’t turn back time

4. Life doesn’t give you what you want, but things can still work out

5. You don’t need to respond to everything, sometimes you do want to shut up.

6. Get up earlier

7. Throw away your crap.

8. Don’t take your friendships for granted

9. Be thankful. Write down what you are grateful for and make sure the people that matter know you appreciate them.

10. Tell the girl she’s wonderful and beautiful. Even if you strike out, just say it.

11. Be kind. To yourself and others.

12. Dream. Fantasize.

13. Try it. It doesn’t matter what, just try it.

14. Believe and have faith. Hang in there.

15. Get to know people that give you a good life.

16. Be patient.

17. Allow yourself to get angry and mad, but do let it go. Move on.

18. Trust your gut feeling

19. Laugh. Laugh with your friends.

20. If you help somebody, don’t expect anything in return. That would be a business transactions.

21. Buy some flowers for yourself.

22. Having a good conversation is a forgotten delight.

23. New things are not necessarily bad things.

24. New things are not necessarily good things.

25. Be polite and kind.

26. Try to remember what you enjoyed as a child and look that up

27. Clean your counters, make your bed.

28. Keep a journal

29. There is a difference between private and secret.

30. Rain and sun make a rainbow. You need them both.

31. Compliments are all well and good, but they mean nothing if you don’t know the person’s background well enough.

32. Love is love. Kindness is kindness. Just accept it gratefully with both hands.

33. Know the difference between real love and picture perfect instagram crap.

34. Don’t be modest, but don’t be cocky either. Own your good and bad qualities.

35. In the end, you, your dreams, your wishes, all of this, won’t exist.

36. Nobody cares about how smart you are if you are a complete asshole.

37. Nobody cares about how pretty you are if you are a complete asshole

38. If you have fun wasting time, you are not wasting time.

39. You will miss out on good moments, but you will always have other good moments.

40. You’re never too old for mistakes, but you’re never too old to make things better

41. Who are you trying to impress anyway?

42. Sometimes you have no choice in who you meet in life, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be beneficial to you.

43. Stop looking at the news.

44. Take your time. Take the space you need.

45. Write down what your objectives are. There is power in writing things down.

46. you’re gonna make some mistakes, you’re gonna feel stupid, awkward and dumb sometimes. But it’s okay. The person who has never made a mistake hasn’t done anything.

47. Don’t go for that wishy-washy maybe thing. Don’t accept it. Only follow the 100% sparkling fantastic goodness in life.



Magalie Linda

HTML and CSS, Design, Adulting. Owner of a big imposter syndrome. Knows nothing, wants to learn everything. Made better by better half.