Dare to be different

Feb 12, 2023


So many are taught, in order to be successful in life you must follow certain “trends”, follow a certain “path”, or follow a certain “faith”. You are told the people who think differently than you are wrong, or don’t have your best interest at heart. What you aren’t told, is that it is OK to think, feel, behave, or believe different things and/or ideas than others around you.

We are may see the same image, but see a different story

What is not OK, is making people believe there is only one belief, one story, or one way to live. What is not OK, is making people who think differently feel un-loved or not welcomed. Everybody has a story, everybody is going through life together. We should not make it harder on others because they feel, think, look, or believe differently than us.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dare to be different !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Photo by Jeffrey Hamilton on Unsplash




I am here to make a difference