kubecui - enhanced interactive kubectl. Dark-side mode.

Sergii Bieliaievskyi
2 min readFeb 25, 2023


The project is growing in popularity and has earned 40 stars as of the writing of this article (25.02.2023). I decided to keep informing you about recent changes. What new features have been implemented since the first release? This is, of course, a dark-side mode. By activating this mode you become a “sith” attuned to the dark side of the Force. Speaking seriously, the dark-side mode goes against the main concept, which was declared in the first article


and in the README file.

However, that doesn’t mean that kubecui is dead. Not at all. The dark-side mode is optional, and kubecui, in its essence, still adheres to the declared principles. If you feel comfortable with kubecui, go ahead and try it out. The proportion of using Lens vs kubecui changed significantly after I switched the mode on. In the very beginning it was Lens — 60, kubecui — 40, but now the proportion has changed notably and has become Lens — 10, kubecui — 90. Let me show you what makes the proportion shift from 60/40 to 10/90 possible.

Let me start from the interface.

3 sessions (dev,stg,prod).

Each session has 10 windows.

Most of the time you don’t need to type commands, instead you can switch between windows and sessions which arealready running the most frequently used commands like k get pod, k get deploy and so on. In case there is no window with command you need, for example `k get roles` you can run the command in the MAIN window, which is empty by default.

The most useful shortcuts to work in dark-side mode:

Ctlr+b, s — switch session.

Ctrl+b, w — switch window.

Ctrl+r — refresh window.

Ctrl+/ — change size of the right panel

Ctrl+f — open k describe in separate window in order to search or copy the text.

Ctrl+w — delete one word(to the left from the cursor) in the filter prompt

Ctrl+u delete backward from the cursor to the beginning of the line in the filter prompt.

Don’t forget to use basic regex to filter information:



