Navigating Kubernetes Effortlessly with Kubecui: New Shortcuts and Features (Part 3)

Sergii Bieliaievskyi
3 min readAug 5, 2023

Welcome back to our ongoing series on Kubecui! In this article, we’ll be delving into the recent updates that have transformed Kubecui into a reliable Kubernetes management tool. While it may not claim the spotlight as the ultimate solution, Kubecui proudly holds its ground alongside established tools like k9s and Lens, offering a simplified and efficient approach to Kubernetes management.

Reimagined Shortcuts for Intuitive Navigation

In the latest release, Kubecui introduces a revamped set of keyboard shortcuts, drawing inspiration from functional keys commonly found in tools like the Midnight Commander. This change is all about making the tool more user-friendly and approachable. The new shortcuts aim to streamline tasks, making Kubecui a great choice for both beginners and experienced Kubernetes users.

Let’s take a closer look at the new shortcut lineup:

  • F1: Quick Access to Explain Command
    Kickstarting the list is the F1 key, which now provides swift access to the “explain” command. For instance, while in the “k get pod” window, pressing F1 fetches the explanatory details for pods. This feature extends to various objects, including deployments and others. It’s an invaluable tool for better understanding Kubernetes resources.
  • F2: Quick Access to Shell Sessions
    Now, initiating a shell session on a worker node or within a pod’s container is just an F2 key press away. When dealing with pod containers, a convenient dialog window pops up, allowing you to choose the desired container from a list. This new feature adds a layer of convenience to your day-to-day Kubernetes interactions.
  • F3: Dive into YAML Manifests
    The F3 shortcut opens up Kubernetes YAML manifests effortlessly. This enables you to search and scroll through YAML files with ease, emulating the behavior of kubectl get OBJ -o yaml command. This shortcut is a handy addition for quickly reviewing object configurations.
  • F4: Edit in an Instant
    Need to edit Kubernetes objects? The F4 shortcut is here to help. With a single key press, you can now open an edit interface in your preferred text editor (vim/vi by default). This mirrors the functionality of kubectl edit OBJ. Plus, you can set the KUBE_EDITOR environment variable to use an editor like VSCode/Atom for a personalized experience.
  • F5: View Command Output Better
    Pressing F5 lets you view the output of the kubectl describe OBJ command in a dedicated viewer. This viewer enhances readability, searchability, and scrolling through command outputs.
  • F6: Simplified Port Forwarding
    Port forwarding is made simpler with the F6 shortcut. Triggering this shortcut brings up a dialog window displaying port forwarding details, aiding you in configuring port forwarding effectively.
  • F8: Swift Object Deletion
    The F8 shortcut provides a quick way to delete Kubernetes objects. Similar to the kubectl delete OBJ command, this shortcut accelerates the object deletion process.

Kubecui Steps into Multi-Cluster Management with Tmux

Kubecui takes a step forward by embracing multi-cluster management with the support of Tmux. This functionality lets you seamlessly switch between different Kubernetes clusters within the same terminal session. Whether you’re dealing with one cluster or many, Kubecui with Tmux ensures a smooth transition and efficient management, catering to the needs of Kubernetes administrators.

Simplistic Beauty and Flexibility

What sets Kubecui apart is its simplicity and customizability. Developed entirely in Bash scripting, this open-source gem consists of a mere 233 lines of code. Its lightweight design doesn’t compromise on functionality, offering an array of features for effective Kubernetes management. Kubecui’s customization options allow you to tailor the tool to match your workflow and preferences, providing a personalized experience that aligns perfectly with your needs.

In summary, while Kubecui may not claim the crown as the ultimate Kubernetes tool, its recent 0.2.3 release solidifies its status as a robust contender, standing shoulder-to-shoulder with k9s and Lens. New shortcuts and features, combined with Tmux-powered multi-cluster support, make Kubecui a practical and user-friendly choice for Kubernetes enthusiasts. Its open-source nature and minimalist design bring a breath of fresh air to Kubernetes management, making it an essential tool for Kubernetes administrators everywhere.

