How to Update Magento 2 to the Latest Version?

4 min readJun 21, 2024


Keeping your Magento 2 store updated is crucial for maintaining security, improving performance, and accessing the latest features. Updating Magento 2 might seem daunting, but with the right approach, it can be straightforward. This guide will walk you through the process step by step, ensuring your store remains at the cutting edge.

Understanding Magento 2 Versions

Magento 2 updates come in two main types: major and minor updates. Major updates introduce significant changes and new features, while minor updates typically focus on security patches and bug fixes. It’s essential to read the release notes for each update to understand the changes and how they might impact your store.

Pre-Update Preparations

Before diving into the update process, there are several crucial steps to take:

  1. Backup your store: Ensure you have a full backup of your database and files.
  2. Check system requirements: Verify that your server meets the necessary requirements for the new Magento version.
  3. Review installed extensions and customizations: Some extensions may not be compatible with the new version, so review and update them accordingly.

Setting Up the Environment

To safely update Magento 2, set up a staging environment where you can test the update without affecting your live store. Ensure you have SSH access to your server and that Composer is installed, as it is essential for managing Magento updates.

Backing Up Your Magento Store

  1. Database backup: Use tools like phpMyAdmin or command-line tools to create a backup of your database.
  2. File backup: Copy all your Magento files to a secure location to prevent data loss during the update.

Reviewing System Requirements

Check that your server meets the updated version’s requirements:

  • PHP version: Ensure compatibility with the new Magento version.
  • Server settings: Verify that server settings like memory limit and execution time are adequate.
  • MySQL version: Check if the new Magento version supports your MySQL version.

Analyzing Extensions and Customizations

Identify any extensions or customizations that may not be compatible with the new Magento version. Update or remove any that are outdated or unsupported to avoid conflicts during the update.

Updating Magento 2 Using Composer

  1. Install Composer: If Composer is not installed, download and install it from the official website.
  2. Run Composer update commands:

composer require magento/product-community-edition 2.x.x — no-update composer update

Dealing with Common Issues

During the update, you may encounter dependency conflicts or broken themes and extensions. Resolve these issues by checking the error messages and updating or removing conflicting components.

Verifying the Update

After updating, verify that the update was successful:

  • Check the Magento version: Ensure the version number matches the latest release.
  • Test store functionalities: Make sure everything works as expected, from the frontend to the backend.

Post-Update Tasks

  1. Clear cache: Clear Magento’s cache to ensure all changes are applied.
  2. Reindex data: Reindex all data to update the store’s search and indexing.
  3. Compile code: Run the code compilation command to optimize performance.

Testing Your Store Thoroughly

Conduct thorough testing to ensure your store is functioning correctly:

  • Functional testing: Check all store functionalities, including checkout and payment processing.
  • Performance testing: Test the store’s speed and responsiveness.
  • Security testing: Ensure there are no new security vulnerabilities.

Deploying the Update to Production

Once you’re confident the update is stable, deploy it to your live environment. Monitor the live store closely for any issues and address them promptly.

Keeping Your Store Secure

Regularly install security patches and perform maintenance checks to keep your store secure and running smoothly.


Updating Magento 2 to the latest version is a critical task that ensures your store remains secure, performs well, and offers the latest features. By following this guide, you can manage the update process smoothly and keep your store at its best.


How often should I update Magento 2? You should update Magento 2 whenever a new version or security patch is released. Regular updates help keep your store secure and performant.

Can I update Magento 2 without a developer? While it’s possible to update Magento 2 yourself, it’s recommended to have a developer handle the update to avoid potential issues, especially if you’re not familiar with the process.

What should I do if an update fails? If an update fails, restore your store from the backup you created before starting the update. Review the error messages, resolve the issues, and try the update again.

How do I know if my extensions are compatible with the new version? Check the extension’s documentation or contact the developer to ensure compatibility with the new Magento version. Many developers provide updates or patches for their extensions.

What are the benefits of updating Magento 2 regularly? Regular updates improve security, fix bugs, enhance performance, and provide new features that can help improve your store’s functionality and user experience.




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