Why It Is Better To Outsource Invoice Processing Service Than Hiring An In-House Employee


The invoice processing service is important to every organization. It keeps track of a company’s expenditures — ensuring a transparent financial report.

An accurate invoice will show how strictly you have adhered to your budget or financial plan. It also guarantees a steady cash flow — a crucial element to the continuous growth of an organization.

But should businesses do it themselves? Or is it better if they entrust their invoice processing to an outsourced provider?

Outsourcing invoice processing service — or even other accounting services — is an advantageous initiative to an organization because of the following reasons:

  1. Automation streamlines the entire process. Manual processing is not only tedious but also have higher risks of inaccurate computations. Automating the invoice process streamlines the entire operation. Business process outsourcing (BPO) companies, in particular, that offers invoice processing service strive to automate all their processes. They have invested in top-grade accounting software that will make the job for their experienced staff faster and easier. Because automation eliminates mistakes, it can save businesses a significant amount of time and money. BPO companies also do their best to adhere to international standards to attract new clients. Therefore, organizations can benefit greatly as BPO companies continue to enhance their processes to achieve top-rated and world-class quality service.
  2. Third-party management reduces the risk of fraud. In some companies, there are instances when some employees conspire together to manipulate financial reports. Outsourcing invoice processing service reduces the risk of fraud because an outside party manages invoices. Because there’s a separation of duty, third-party staff can point out if there’s any discrepancies or errors in the report or files submitted to them. Accuracy is not a problem because aside from their automated processes, outsourcing companies also review each step rigorously. Many BPO companies even make sure that different set of eyes review the procedures involved.
  3. Lower costs. Most outsourcing companies are located in countries with lower labor costs. There’s a huge difference between the salary of an employee in Western countries compared to typical outsourcing destinations like the Philippines and India. Businesses don’t even need to spend additional money for the recruitment, training, benefits, and other incentives. Despite the cheaper cost, outsourcing invoice processing service is still the best option because BPO workers have extensive knowledge of their tasks given their educational background and continuous training. Thus, their clients are assured that cost-cutting won’t give them subpar results but world-class service.
  4. Real-time operation. Because of their advanced technologies, BPO companies are able to keep track of new tasks in real-time. Even if the outsourcing company is located in a different timezone, invoice processing service providers can deliver real-time, accurate results.
  5. On-time, quality financial reporting. BPO companies understand the importance of deadlines. They have trained their employees to work hard and fast without compromising the quality of their work. It is no wonder, therefore, that they can submit their outputs even before the deadline. Through their quality financial report, businesses can better plan their expenditures.

Outsourcing the invoice processing service to a trusted BPO company helps businesses streamline their processes through automation, reduce the risk of fraud, lower operational costs, operate in real-time, and achieve quality financial reporting.

Looking for an invoice processing service provider? Contact us now!

About Magellan Solutions Outsourcing, Inc.

Magellan Solutions is an inbound and outbound call center and business processing outsourcing provider in the Philippines. The company has 12 years of experience in providing best-in-class outsourced solutions to SMEs and large global enterprises.

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