4 min readApr 18, 2016

New Relic Reporting — A Unique E-commerce Solution

The New Relic Reporting is defined as an extension for Magento e-commerce platform that encourage developers to easily integrate New Relic APM and New Relic Insights with Magento platform, by offering them a real-time visibility flexibility into the business as well as performance metrics for data-driven decision making methods. This extension is developed to work with both Magento Enterprise Edition as well as Magento Community Edition. It works as SaaS based subscription service process. Working with the New Relic Insights, lets you acquire infinite methodologies to fully analyse as well as present customs and real-time data visualization features. New Relic on the other hand is defined as a performance management solution for developers that allows them to easily diagnose as well as fix infinite number of application performance issues in real time.

To work effectively with Magento applications, there is definitely a need to hire A Magento developer who is well aware of all the errors that might occur while developing any application. As it is seen that the New Relic Reporting is considered as one of the most advanced level Magento extensions that effectively works to identify all the application performance issues, Magento developers are now taking a high interest in working with this Magento extension as it offers them a complete view about where mobile app users are actually facing issues with their mobile apps.

Steps involved in working with New Relic Reporting:

  • Step 1: Moving ahead with signing-up process with New Relic Account

Initially, users need to visit the New Relic website and sign-in into the account, provided that they have created a new account to get access to it. One can go for free sign-up process to access its trial version as well, before they actually start using the New Relic Reporting. Following the instructions to move ahead to use this feature is of great advantage for users. When prompted to choose the product that they want to install first, they can do that simply by clicking on the desired option. While they are working in their account, it is essential to locate numerous of available credentials that are needed to complete the configuration process. Below here is given list of them:

Account ID: Getting access to the New Relic account dashboard, one can very well see that Account ID is the number in the URL after: /accounts

Application ID: Accessing to the New Relic account dashboard, user is suppose to tap on New Relic APM option. In the menu section, simply choose Applications by clicking on it. Clicking on it allow users to choose their, the most wanted application. The Application ID will be the number in the URL after: /applications/

New Relic API Key: Accessing to the New Relic account dashboard, user simply needs to tap on the Account Settings. In that menu section that is shown on the left side under the Integration part, just click on Data Sharing option. After that, your API key can easily be created, regenerated, or can be deleted from this page easily.

Insights API Key: Accessing to the New Relic account dashboard, simply tap on Insights. In that menu section that is shown on the left side under the Administration, user simply needs to choose API Keys. You will see that your Insights API Key(s) will appear on this page. Well, if necessary, you can surely click the plus sign (+) button that is situated next to Insert Keys in order to generate a key.

  • Step 2: Installing the New Relic Agent on Your Server
  1. In order to get your hands on the New Relic APM Pro with a motive to gather as well as transmit your data, it is highly essential to install the PHP agent on your server.
  2. Whenever you are prompted to choose a web agent, then users are required to tap on PHP.
  3. Following all the necessary instructions in order to set up your PHP agent on your server will be of great help.
  4. In between, make sure that cron ( a time oriented job scheduler process that is included in unix system to run it periodically during fixed amount of time, dates and intervals to work with software environment) is smoothly running on your server.
  • Step 3: Configuring Your Store

1: On the Admin menu section, simply tap on Stores. Then under Settings option, you are required to choose Configuration option.

2: Then on the left side of the panel under General option, you are required to choose New Relic Reporting option. After you have chosen the following option, it is necessary for you to perform few more actions:

  • Simply click on “Set Enable New Relic Integration” to “Yes.”
  • In the Insights API URL, you are required to replace the percent % symbol with your New Relic Account ID.
  • Next, enter your New Relic Account ID.
  • Next, enter your New Relic Application ID.
  • Next, enter your New Relic API Key.
  • Next, enter your Insights API Key.

3: Then next, in the New Relic Application Name field, you are required to enter a name in order to identify the configuration process for internal reference.

4: After you have completed the process, you are required to tap on Save Config option.

  • Step 4: In this step, you are required to enable Cron for New Relic Reporting
  1. Simply expand the Cron section.
  2. Next, you are required to set Enable Cron to” Yes.
  3. After you have completed the process, the simply tap on “Save Config” option.

Advantages of working with New Relic Reporting extension:

  • Trusted and secure
  • Continuous monitoring process
  • Custom error recording process
  • Transaction tracking system