There’s An Epidemic of Lazy Men, and Women are the Ones Getting Sick

Maggie Haukka
4 min readNov 3, 2021
Photo by Elsa Donald on Unsplash

My boyfriend gave me a rock for my birthday— not a diamond, but an actual rock that he found by the river on our first date. It’s romantic, I guess, that he saved it all this time. He said he knew the rock would mean more to me than if he gave me something he bought from a store.

He didn’t wrap it or anything — just handed me the rock right out of his pocket. He didn’t give me a card, either, because that would have been “too generic.” Instead, to go with my rock present, he told me a story about how during mating season a male penguin will present a female penguin with a smooth stone as a gift. He learned that on Reddit.

He learns lots of things on Reddit, and also on YouTube, because he spends a lot of time on the couch. I do not spend much time on the couch. I’m too busy working at my job, and then coming home from my job and working around our apartment.

He is supposedly looking for a job himself. He spends a lot of time online “looking for a job” while always backed up into a corner so that it’s impossible to see what’s on his screen. For most of these hours, he is moving both his pointer fingers across the mousepad rather than typing, which even I know means he’s playing video games. It’s almost funny.

