Just Like Fall and Float

A fuzzy remembrance of a manic season.

John Hampton (MaggotsX)
Speaking Bipolar


OpenAI-generated via poem submission and discussion.

“The most wasted of all days is one without laughter.”
~~~ e.e. cummings

@ may.1920

in summer-
Just before
fall the wind tingles &
leaves fall lightly,
love-like, fall festival
balloons float and fall,
man-like, when popped
in Just- like

whistle-pops & wee-poofs
far end- fall-itches
fall weather-like,
late smokes the fall-exit
falls when winter- weather-like
whisles & pop- pops
in these woods pops-
fall in- Just

in- Just

in summer-

slow & slow
winter in Just- in Just-
not fall- not summer-like
slow-not fall-not fast-like
or fire-not fall fire-like
or not summer-float -like
or like love-like sun-like
wee-winter knot-like
in- Just

in spring- Just
like- not summer not sun
like- rain -like summer- -not rain &
like- no sun sun summer no &
like- spring rain rain- -not sun &
like- slow rain rain sun no-
no pop- &
no balloon- &
no far- &
no love…



John Hampton (MaggotsX)
Speaking Bipolar

Medicated Bipolar (25 yr. stable), Army-Brat, US Navy Veteran, World Traveller, IT Developer, Husband, Spiritual not Religious, Storyteller, Feeler. Poet.