Garrett Farmer
5 min readMar 9, 2016

Hey, let’s work together. If the description that follows is too long, get in touch at Let us know why you want to work with us, and hopefully we’ll grab coffee soon.

Product Designer at DoubleDutch

We’re looking for a designer with a restless mind that wants to push boundaries, accenting their strong visual and experiential design skills. We believe that product design is not solely about making something pretty or original. It’s about deeply understanding what our users feel, think, and want, and creating something that reduces their pains. Good design results from active listening plus empathy. It brings clarity and solves problems.

It would be great if you like to quickly build, gather feedback, and iterate. It would be bad if you’re only interested in executing on ideas that are handed to you. You will work closely with a small team, and for each project, you’ll define a vision, develop a solution, and lead your team to ship. Lots of people will give you ideas and help you along the way, but you will ultimately control what you do.


Events are special because of the human moments they make possible. We need a human like you to work on ideas start to finish that facilitate those in-person moments through software.

We build for three broad audiences: the people who organize events, the people who attend events, and the people who exhibit at events.

Our enterprise software for organizers makes it simple for them to create and distribute our consumer app for all of their events of any type. Organizing events is stressful and hard to do at scale, and we make it easier.

Our consumer app for attendees replaces paper agendas and maps, and provides a better social experience using social mechanics, data, and community. Attendees want to meet people and/or learn things at events. We help them do those things better.

Our tools for exhibitors take advantage of the signals attendees generate, allowing like-minded exhibitors and attendees connect online and in-person. We give exhibitors the ability to control and measure their success in ways that were never possible before.


Three years ago DoubleDutch was 12 people. In one room. With no money. And a product that was mostly vapor. Today we’re around 260 across the world with money in the bank and a product powering 120 major events each week.

The people are what make us great. Let’s talk about the designers and product managers you’d work closely with.

Lucian would be your boss. He’s a good boss, and you’ll like him. He was an early employee at LinkedIn, and now he’s our VP of Product. He’s been doing software forever and yet secretly likes to play with hardware. On the outside, he’s black and white, on the inside it’s all gray. It’s the gray areas where greatness hides.

Michael is our bearded designer. He works on the consumer side of our products, expanding and improving our core and social features. He’s passionate about the crossover between digital and physical worlds, where digital devices augment experiences and better connect the dots of what people want and need.

Jen is the designer on our data and enterprise parts of the platform. A former frog, she understands the importance of our users and empathizing with their needs during the design process. If you happen see someone flying effortlessly up a hill on a beautifully designed bicycle, it just might be Jen (the ‘flying’ part courtesy of a nice electric assist). P.S. She’s ridiculously prone to earworms.

Jason works with the Exhibitor team here as a Product Manager. Back in the day, he was an online marketer that really hated event marketing. Now he’s on the other side trying to build products that will create a new generation of event marketers. At home, he lives in Bonaparte’s shadow, who everyone seems to love & adore.

Julia manages consumer products here — this means she gets to think about improving the event experience for attendees all day every day (minus the time that she spends thinking about snacks). Julia has been with DoubleDutch since the very early days, and has been working on mobile, social products for 7 years now, which makes her feel old.

Alex is our product manager for data and analytics. He recently arrived at DoubleDutch from UBM — one of the largest event companies in the world. At UBM, Alex was on the product team and was a customer — and fan — of DoubleDutch. He makes customers care deeply about their event data, and delivers it to them however and whenever they need it.

Paul is our Enterprise Domain product manager. He comes from a consumer background having worked in mobile gaming for three years. However, he finds solving big, hairy, corporate problems as interesting (if not more) as monetizing free to play gamers. To give you a sense of his personality, his favorite restaurant is a Vietnamese pho place that scores a solid 70–80 on the SF health inspection scale.

I’m Garrett. I have a small cat who is cute, I ride a pink 90’s mountain bike, and I play a lot of roguelikes. This is my 3rd startup in the six years since I moved here from Flint, MI. I like software and solving hard problems. I design features for the second side of our multi sided market that help like-minded exhibitors and attendees connect with each other.


We use some bastardization of Agile.

There are four small squads in engineering/product working to validate small ideas quickly while building toward a long vision for a specific set of users. Each squad has a product manager, product designer, data analyst, lead engineer, and as many supplemental engineers as necessary. We prototype and test as quickly as possible while maintaining a high level of quality. My team releases weekly. Some teams have longer release cycles, but we’re all fast.

Our core metrics are adoption and engagement of features. We track these and other numeric metrics closely, but we recognize that qualitative analysis is also important. We talk to our users at events, in their offices, and through support channels.

Product designers here use whatever tools are necessary to convey their ideas from ideation and roadmap creation to wireframes, prototypes, and final production. On the same day, you might interview a group of users, work on a prototype, and design UI in Sketch.


You’ll need to work in our San Francisco office in Potrero Hill. You’ll also need a solid sense of taste, experience shipping product, and the ability to connect broader strategic goals to specific design decisions. We don’t care where you went to school, but ideally you’ve been designing things for at least a few years, and you need to have shipped product.


Salary here is competitive. You’ll also have a nice office to work in, great benefits, and equity. All the designers have MacBook Pros, Thunderbolt monitors, and anything else we need for our desks. We have lots of snacks.


If you got this far, let’s grab coffee. Send us some of your work and tell us why you’re interested. Here’s a good email address to use:

Garrett and the Product team