Review: Time Bomb — Joelle Charbonneau

⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ / 5 stars

Magical Book Blog
2 min readJul 28, 2021



A congressman’s daughter who has to be perfect. A star quarterback with a secret. A guy who’s tired of being ignored. A clarinet player who’s done trying to fit in. An orphaned rebel who wants to teach someone a lesson. A guy who wants people to see him, not his religion.

They couldn’t be more different, but before the morning’s over, they’ll all be trapped in a school that’s been rocked by a bombing. When they hear that someone inside is the bomber, they’ll also be looking to one another for answers.

Read the synopsis and really thought this was going to be a breakfast club type of read — especially since it broke down the characters and what they represented. I wasn’t terribly obsessed with the premise, especially since I was expecting there to be a point to all the madness. I’ve read several books about events that occur at school (ie. shootings) and they always need to have a point or run the risk of just being unnecessary. I liked the book but truly, truly wanted a clearer, more transparent message underneath it all.

I received this book free from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review :)

