WEEKLY MAG UPDATE 02/10/18–09/10/18

2 min readOct 2, 2018

Currently our team focuses heavily on one topic and this is obviously the upcoming Magnet Swap. Lot of effort goes towards establishing connection with exchanges and next comes working out the requirements for the swap with them. At the same time we are finishing up on the web/mobile wallet solution for the Magnet, so many interesting developments coming out in next few months.
Lets get more specific!

Upcoming web/mobile wallet service.
We are exposing MAG assets to trade on the Stellar Decentralized Exchange to benefit from the following:

  • Increased reach, liquidity and exposure as MAG will be tradable against any assets available there (MAG-USD, MAG-BTC…).
  • MAG asset holders on the decentralized exchange will automatically benefit from staking (PoS rewards) — i.e. staking web wallet service.

To this end, the wallet service is developed as an ad-hoc service that will support not only MAG assets with staking but also allow any other asset trading. We expect a release soon after the Swap and will share more information and material soon.

Preparing for upcoming Swap/Pivx Fork
Initial codebase inspection has been successfully completed and in coming days additional information will be gathered to proceed into actual forking phase. Meanwhile we are adjusting with the change and discussing the future roadmap changes. Planning for the new wallet visual design has already started and will continue throughout the week. Along with new wallet look, we are going to refresh the official website as well to communicate our ideas better. Watch out for more materials about the Swap soon!

So be sure to follow us on any of our social channels to stay updated!

Originally published at magnetwork.io on October 2, 2018.




Magnet is a cryptocurrency based upon the core ideas of transparency, accessibility, equality and fairness. Visit Us at www.magnetwork.io