WEEKLY MAG UPDATE 16/10/18–23/10/18

2 min readOct 16, 2018

Coming week will be dedicated mostly to forking efforts to provide a quality codebase for Swap happening really soon — 25 days to go! During last week our community was very curious and found their way to the upcoming Web/Mobile wallet service’s homepage — https://litemint.com/. Lets start with explaining a bit more about the service!

Upcoming web/mobile wallet service.
We are exposing MAG assets to trade on the Stellar Decentralized Exchange to benefit from the following:

  • Increased reach, liquidity and exposure as MAG will be tradable against any assets available there (MAG-USD, MAG-BTC…).
  • MAG asset holders on MAG anchor will automatically benefit from staking (PoS rewards) — i.e. staking web wallet service.
  • Exposure to Litemint users through promoting MAG anchor on the service.

Additionally to being promoted by Litemint wallet, MAG asset deposit and withdrawal to anchor will be integrated into the wallet from day one. Which means people who trust the anchor will automatically be given a MAG address to deposit MAG and will have the option to specify a MAG address to withdraw MAG straight from inside the wallet.

To this end, the wallet service is developed as an ad-hoc service that will support not only MAG assets with staking but also allow any other asset trading. We expect a release soon after the Swap and will share more information and material soon.

Preparing for upcoming Swap/Pivx Fork

Forking process has started! Website renewal progress slows down during current week so more hands can assist the forking. Reminder from last week — during the discussions over the fork technicalities, we have decided to change fixed letter in the start of Magnet addresses from M to G to avoid any confusion between the old and new addresses.

So be sure to follow us on any of our social channels to stay updated!
Twitter,Discord, Reddit, Telegram

Originally published at magnetwork.io on October 16, 2018.




Magnet is a cryptocurrency based upon the core ideas of transparency, accessibility, equality and fairness. Visit Us at www.magnetwork.io