WEEKLY MAG UPDATE 29/01/19–05/02/19

4 min readJan 29, 2019

Past week we had very first public community voice call that was a success. Next one is set to happen on Feb 9, 2019 @ 10AM EST on MAG Discord.

First of all — THANK YOU everyone who joined our very first LIVE VOICE community call. Special thanks to @JustCoinITWorldWide [a.k.a WorldWide] for orchestrating this with such brio and verve. The call lasted over 2 hours, but we have managed to elaborate many ideas and structure our actions moving forward.
This call was a great opportunity to discover our community members. We acknowledge the importance of organizing such meetings to better share our vision for MAG as a community project. We also want to make this an opportunity to gather ideas, suggestions and feedback from everyone.

We discussed many points of which the following should be highlighted as the most important:
Philosophy. MAG broad vision and focus toward providing real-world utility through merchant services and upcoming marketplace while respecting crypto core values of decentralization.
Airdrop Strategy. The necessity to create mechanisms for virtuous feedback loop while gaining exposure — as opposed to only focus on temporary hype. Making sure these airdrops are leveraged to create contributions to solidify and scale up the project.
Marketplace. The upcoming marketplace and use cases. We discussed how real-world games could be used as a vector for such cases with measurable results on short term periods.
Media and communication. We also identified a clear deficiency in this domain and started to elaborate plans to fill this void including the use/distribution of these voice call materials.

Additional projects have been discussed that could bring shareable content to social media and these projects will be discussed further in the next call (join freely!). Feel FREE to contribute your questions to #community-team channel on Discord for the next call, we will answer each of them.

We really appreciate the positive vibe that came out of this meeting. As mentioned above, the next call is scheduled on the Feb 9, 2019 @ 10AM EST and we really hope to see even more participants — you are ALL WELCOME!


Dev team focus for the coming week(s) will be on Litemint and MAG marketplaces. Today first MAG marketplace visual sketches came in for team discussion and next weekly update might bring more information on the topic. Litemint marketplace feature development is in full motion as well so make sure you are in the loop with everything — www.litemint.com

If You missed last weekly update with a more extensive summary on the current situation then read up now — https://magnetwork.io/weekly-mag-update-22-01-19-29-01-19/


After discussions in the Discord #community-team channel, we have decided to delegate the airdrop campaign running process to the community. First of them was already launched — https://twitter.com/magnetc0mmunity/status/1090234447239233536 Official dev team will still be responsible for carrying out the transactions. Make sure to follow MAG Community Twitter for information about our chain, updates and more!


We collected around 1,8 million MAG during the closed swap period in staking and masternode rewards. and exactly 1,837,843 MAG have been collected to date. We have started the airdrops and have given away 62900 MAG in twitter campaigns to bring exposure for the chain. We have set up a Discord channel (#afterswapvote) for voting on the percentage ratio between the MAGs we airdrop or keep for the network. We keep it open for few weeks, so be sure to check in our Discord and cast your vote!


We have closed the swap channel on Discord and started to give notice about stopping the support for the old chain in about 2 months. It will happen on 03.03.2019 and all funds on old chain will be locked. We will keep the swap coins on the new chain available and run the old chain if someone shows up with a significant amount of MAG or we decide to process all the late swap requests that we will still keep taking through the late swap tool (www.magnetwork.io/lateswap) after dropping the support for the old chain. With the number of MAGs currently swapped, there is a chance we will never process any further requests after 03.03.2019 so LATE SWAP TODAY!

Make sure You follow us on any of our social channels to stay updated!

Twitter,Discord, Reddit, Telegram

Originally published at magnetwork.io.




Magnet is a cryptocurrency based upon the core ideas of transparency, accessibility, equality and fairness. Visit Us at www.magnetwork.io