Step-by-Step Guide to Provide MFORGE-USDT Liquidity on PancakeSwap V2


3 min readJun 19, 2024
  1. Wallet: Ensure you have a compatible wallet like MetaMask or Trust Wallet.
  2. Tokens: Make sure you have MFORGE and USDT tokens in your wallet.
  3. BNB for Gas: Have some BNB in your wallet to cover transaction fees.

1. Connect Your Wallet to PancakeSwap

  1. Go to PancakeSwap:

2. Connect Wallet:

  • Click on “Connect” in the top right corner.
  • Choose your wallet type (e.g., MetaMask, Trust Wallet) and follow the prompts to connect.
Connecting your wallet e.g., MetaMask, Trust Wallet

2. Add Liquidity to the MFORGE-USDT Pair

  1. Navigate to Liquidity:
  • On the PancakeSwap homepage, hover over “Trade” in the menu and click on “Liquidity.”

2. Add Liquidity:

  • Click on the “Add Liquidity” button.
Click on the “Add Liquidity” button.

3. Select MFORGE and USDT:

  • In the “Select a currency” field, enter and select MFORGE.
  • In the second “Select a currency” field, enter and select USDT.
  • In the fee tier field, Click on Add V2 liquidity.
Select MFORGE and USDT

4. Input Amounts:

  • Enter the amount of MFORGE you want to add. The corresponding amount of USDT will be automatically filled based on the current exchange rate.

5. Approve Tokens:

  • If this is your first time providing liquidity for MFORGE or USDT, you will need to approve the tokens. Click “Approve MFORGE” and “Approve USDT” and confirm the transactions in your wallet.
Click on Enable MFORGE and USDT

6. Supply Liquidity:

  • After approval, click on “Supply.”
  • Review the details in the pop-up window and click “Confirm Supply.”
  • Confirm the transaction in your wallet and wait for the confirmation
Click on Confirm Supply

Your Liquidity Position

After successfully providing liquidity, your position on PancakeSwap should look similar to the following:

Import LP Token into MetaMask or Trust Wallet

1. Import LP Tokens into MetaMask:

  • Open your MetaMask wallet.
  • Click on “Assets” and then scroll down to the bottom and click “Import Tokens.”
  • Paste the LP token contract address in the “0x0B2fb74C2eDdF44BA5A16afEDfc2dacBC6F2893b” field.
  • MetaMask should auto-fill the token symbol and decimals. If not, enter the details manually.
  • Click “Add Custom Token” and then “Import Tokens.”

2. Import LP Tokens into Trust Wallet:

  • Open your Trust Wallet app.
  • Go to the “Wallet” tab and click on the “+” icon at the top right.
  • Scroll down and click on “Add Custom Token.”
  • Select the network as “Smart Chain.”
  • Paste the LP token contract address.
  • Fill in the name, symbol, and decimals (you can get these details from PancakeSwap or BscScan).
  • Click “Save.

Tips for Managing Your Liquidity Position:

  • Monitor Pool Share: Keep an eye on your share of the liquidity pool. Changes in the pool size can affect your earnings.
  • Impermanent Loss: Be aware of impermanent loss. If the prices of MFORGE or USDT fluctuate significantly, the value of your LP tokens might decrease compared to holding the assets separately.

By following these steps, you can provide liquidity to the MFORGE-USDT pair on PancakeSwap to earn rewards.

MFORGE Website:







