My Favorite YouTube Channels

3 min readDec 18, 2017


by Magoz

This post originally appeared on my Blog.
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Youtube is the new TV, or even better, the audiovisual version of blogs. There are hundreds of thousands of people creating all kinds of content about many different topics, and some of them are amazing.

In this post, I share some of my favorite YouTube channels. The list doesn’t include anything too specific or complicated, and I believe they will be interesting for most of you.

The list includes a short description, a featured video and a list of 3 more of my favorite videos from each channel.

1. Vsauce

Vsauce is Michael Steven’s channel, and it’s probably my favorite YouTube channel. It mixes science, interesting facts, history and many other topics dressed with Michael’s sharp humor and charisma.

3 great videos from Vsauce:

What Color Is A Mirror?

What’s The Most Dangerous Place on Earth?

The Zipf Mystery

2. Quirkology

Richard Wiseman, a psychologist, author and magician, posts short videos in Quirkology about psychology, illusions, magic, and the impossible.

3 of my favorite videos from Quirkology:

How Predictable Are You?


How Suggestible Are You?

3. Veritasium

Derek Muller posts great videos on Veritasium mainly about science and physics but he also publishes deep thoughts on his second channel.

3 of the best videos from Veritasium:

Facebook Fraud

Can You Solve This?

Can Silence Actually Drive You Crazy?

4. Primitive Technology

I discovered Primitive Technology a few months ago and I was hooked immediately. The guy behind the channel builds tools, objects and buildings in the wild completely from scratch using no modern tools or materials.

3 great videos from Primitive technology:

Bow and Arrow

Stone Axe (Celt)

Thatched Dome Hut

5. Kurzgesagt — In a Nutshell

In a Nutshell (also known as Kurzgesagt) is an educational and entertaining channel where they explain complex and interesting concepts using animations. Topics include evolution, time, space, global energy, even our existence in this strange universe.

3 of my favorite videos from In a Nutshell:

What Are You?


Three Ways to Destroy the Universe


In LAHWF (Losing All Hope Was Freedom) Andrew Hales publishes awkward social experiment videos. I can’t stop laughing with some of them.

3 of the best videos from LAHWF:

Taking People’s Umbrellas

Handshake Confusion

Awkward Laughing

7. People are Awesome

You may have seen one of People are Awesome’s videos since they become viral every now and then. They publish compilations of ordinary people doing extraordinary things. These videos are purely entertaining and somehow hypnotic. It’s just amazing what humans are capable of.

3 fun videos from People are Awesome:

Fast Workers

Best of the year 2015

Best of the year 2016

Which YouTube channels do you follow?

If you have any comments, suggestions or ideas, please, let me know in the comments!

This post originally appeared on my Blog.
You can find more illustrations, animations, and articles on my
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