Travel Advice From a Fearless Female

Huong at Magpie
3 min readJan 20, 2016


Sydney Krantz is a photographer and world explorer based in New York City. We at were really inspired by her travel stories and photos, so we asked her to share her top pieces of advice for solo female travelers.

Important Things to Never Do When Traveling Solo

Traveling solo as a female isn’t as scary as everyone seems to think it is.

I’m going to put it bluntly…don’t be a dumbass.

Don’t walk around sketchy parts of the city alone.

Don’t walk around with your iPad and/or iPhone (or whatever you have) hanging out in broad daylight. Always look like you know where you’re going and you know what you’re doing.

If you’re American from the Northeast, like me, you’re (unfortunately) not used to people being kind just to be kind; you are always skeptical. So when someone asks to help you with your bags, they usually have an ulterior motive. Like getting money compensation or just wanting to steal your stuff. Just politely decline.

Solo Travel Is Always Worth It

Different cultures will obviously take some getting used to and sometimes people just want to help because it’s in their blood. It gives you faith in humanity. BUT, always be on your feet. Just be smart, ladies! I know you are!

There are so many good things about traveling alone. It makes you much more approachable and it is easier for you to meet friends. Often (or not) you get lonely and you don’t have a choice but to introduce yourself to everyone you see (don’t be a creep, though). It will certainly bring you out of your shell!

It may sound scary approaching people, but honestly you can meet some of the most incredible people. Some will change your life.

Last tip: try and speak with the locals. At your hostel or at a restaurant — if they speak enough English, they are usually willing to help. Most of the best (free!) activities I’ve done were thanks to local people — like going to private hot springs, visiting beautiful waterfalls you can swim in, etc. They will also give you great advice about the culture and places to avoid.

Most importantly: have fun, go out of your comfort zone, open your mind, and always put out positive vibes! You will be amazed with what you find.

Sydney Krantz grew up in northern New Jersey and is currently backpacking through Central and South America. She graduated Massachusetts College of Art + Design with a BFA in photography and has an extensive background in both film and digital photography. Also, if you’re a fearless female traveller and reading this, we want to hear from you, too! You are always welcome to reach out and tell us your story.



Huong at Magpie

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