Why You Should Create an Online Magazine

Magzines Worldwide.Store
3 min readJan 18, 2020


On the Internet, it is fast and easy to gain respect and make money by becoming an online magazine publisher. And the best way to do this is by starting your own online magazine.

In a nutshell, you set up a web site for your magazine and then you alert your subscribers when a new issue goes live on the Internet.

As an online magazine publisher, you easily achieve the same benefits a conventional magazine publisher enjoys. In addition, you conveniently spread your writing influence and expertise to your base of subscribers as well as the entire world.

The nice thing is that you do not have to invest in expensive printing equipment to run an online magazine publication. This results in a lot of time, money. and effort saved.

If you do not have the imagination to create a good product for sale, then publishing your own online magazine can be one of the wisest decisions you will ever make, given the benefits of impressive marketing power and influence it can offer you, as well as the opportunity to show off your writing talent.

There are countless advantages to publishing an online magazine. The most obvious reason is that it is so easy to start one because of today’s technology that any individual can do it.

You can do it from the comfort of your home and all you need to get started is a computer, a web site, and an auto responder. E-mail auto responders such as GetResponse.com and AWeber.com are very popular, but I prefer VerticalResponse.com because you don’t need to pay a monthly fee, if you don’t want to. You can simply pay as you go, which is a good feature when you are first starting to collect subscribers.

In spite of the low start up costs, you can make quick money from your online magazine. The main way to do this is by selling advertising space, or placing affiliate ads in your magazine. ClickBank is a good source of affiliate ads.

Most importantly, you get to build your name recognition and spread your influence, making you more valuable to editors and publishers. If you decide to write a book, your online magazine will be a perfect vehicle to promote your work. And having your own magazine sure helps get your foot in the door of big name publishers.

You should also write content that is not time-sensitive, such as short tips, mini stories, personal essays, advice articles, or interviews. Doing so enables you to create content in advance so that you can conveniently dispense it to your subscribers at a later date.

When choosing a topic for your online magazine, you should consider some important success factors that can determine the goal of your magazine.You will do well to cater to a starving market that will always want the kind of content you offer. You should zero in on a demand that has been, is, and will always be there.

Relationships and dating are niches that have been around for a very long time. The food niche will always be there as long as there are chefs cooking for anyone with a stomach to fill. And any site offering advice is a good bet.

Having said that, you also want to have a steady stream of products or services of your own or from an affiliate that you can sell to your mailing list and make even more money.

This is just another reason why creating your own online magazine will remain one of the hottest niches there is, as information and quality entertainment never goes out of style.



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