5 Crypto Coins to mine from your phone (iPhone/Android)

Abdullah Hussain
4 min readNov 12, 2021



In this digital world, if you are not investing in crypto, then this is the right time. Instead of wasting your time scrolling through social feed, try these 5 applications that will help earn some crypto super easy from your phone. Some of these coins have hit the mainnet while some have not but they will soon. So here are the 5:

1. Hi Dollars.

2. Phoneum PHT

3. Bee

4. Timestope

5. Pi

1. Hi Dollars

At this very moment current Hi Dollars rate is 1.2108 USD
Hi dollars is one best growing crypto coins and to mine it, is super simple. Simply download the Hi dollars application or open the website.

1. Simply input your phone number.

2. It will send a code for verification.
3. After then, it’s all set. It will ask you a random question everyday, answer it and earn Hi Dollars.
4. The question is asked after every 24 hours.
5. You can also buy Hi dollars from within the application.

Its that simple to earn Hi dollars
To withdraw you will need to provide KYC. You have to provide your email…..
You can also refer this application to your friends and your hi dollars income will increase.
When you will open the application, it will ask for a referral code, so free to use this referral code or use my invite link:

2. Phoneum PHT

Another crypto coin that is growing is Phoneum PHT. Simply download the Phnoeum PHT application.

At this very moment current Phoneum PHT rate is 0.000197165 USD

1. Sign up.
2. It will ask for a referral code, so free to use this referral code 81d1e774
3. It will start mining. After every week the previous session ends and a new session starts.

Its that simple.
You will need to provide KYC to withdraw
You can also refer this application to your friends and your income will increase.

3. Bee

Bee is also a free application from which you can earn ‘Bee

1. Simply download the application.
2. Sign up.
3. It will ask for a referral code, so feel free to use this referral code AbdHusn
4. Press on the bee and you will start earning bee.

You will have to press the bee button after every 24 hours or when the sessions ends.
Its that simple.
You can also refer this application to your friends and your income will increase.
Bee has not hit mainnet, yet so it’s current price it’s unknown yet. But it will soon hit mainnet and you will be able to withdraw your Bee.

4. Timestope

Another crypto coin and another application to mine is Timestope.

1. Download the application.
2. Sign up.
3 After signing up, it will provide you with a key, please keep it somewhere safe or somewhere you won’t forget it.
4. After the sign up setup, the application will start running and timestope will start mining.

NOTE THAT: You will have to mark your attendance every day to show your presence to Timestope, other wise your account will get disabled. You can mark your attendance within the app. It will ask for attendance after every 24 hours you open the application.

It will ask for a referral witness, so feel free to use me as referral witness abdullahhussain
You can also refer this application to your friends and your income will increase.
Timestope has not hit mainnet, yet so it’s current price it’s unknown yet. But it will soon hit mainnet and you will be able to withdraw your Timestope.

5. Pi

You must have heard of the coin Pi and application to mine Pi

1. Download the application
2. Sign up
3 After signing up, it will provide you with a key, please keep it somewhere safe or somewhere you won’t forget it.
4. After the sign up setup, the application will start running and Pi will start mining.

NOTE THAT : Here you will also have to prove your presence everyday just like Timestope.

It will ask for a referral code, so feel free to use this referral code AbdullahHussain1000 or use my link to join pi .
You can also refer this application to your friends and your income will increase.
Pi has not hit mainnet, yet so it’s current price it’s unknown yet. But it will soon hit mainnet and you will be able to withdraw your Pi.

Probably at the end of this year, it will hit mainnet.


Hope this article helped you and you will start earning these Crypto currencies

1. Hi Dollars.

2. Phoneum PHT

3. Bee

4. Timestope

5. Pi

If you have any queries , I will soon upload a complete video on YouTube on how to mine crypto and also cover other topics



Abdullah Hussain

Hi, I am Abdullah. I share with you skills that will help you to run an online bussiness in this digitized world