Lightning returns: final fantasy XIII

2 min readJul 13, 2016


Who’s fan about this fabulous videogame?

Well i am, especially my cool heroine who’s known as “Lightning”.

At the very beginning of Final Fantasy XIII, her true name was unknown to everyone except to her twin sister Serah, who’s very dear to my heroine.

In Lightnng Returns, all of Final Fantasy XIII main characters are having big problems with their life, before it ends 13 days after and before Lightning wakes up after 500 years of sleep! When she does she finds herself drowning in other hard events, again to save her sister from “disappearing into chaos”, and to do so a god, Bunivelza, requires her help to save souls from this world before its end in 13 days and in exchange of it he will save Serah and offer her enough power to complete his request. She accepts to do so and to help her Bunivelza suggests her to team up with Hope Estheim, a young main character from Final Fantasy XIII, who in this game is considered “the eyes of the god”, and so Lightning became the “Saviour” and saves her friends, Vanille who became a priestress, her older sister Fang the leader of the Monoculus gang, Sazh an old brown man who wants to save his son Dajh, Noel, Lightning’s sister’s friend who became known as “The Shadow Hunter”, Kaiss the chaotic character, Snow her sister’s fiance, and finally Serah.

All along her andventure she will discover an intriguing character: Lumina, who will let her have doubts about her surroundings .the promise Bunuvelza made, and about herself.

What is the truth behind all this? Why did Bunivelza choose her? Who is truly Lumina?Is “The Eye Of The God” still a friend or was he ready to cut off this alliance?And will Lightning succeed and save the world?

All this and more in Lightning Returns Final Fantasy XIII

By Square Enix

Available in: PS3, Xbox 360, PS3, Android, Microsoft Windows, IOS.

